On September 24th, Bell Bank Mortgage hosted the "Affordable Homeownership and Beyond" event in Tempe, Arizona. We were thrilled to see a full house of industry and real estate partners gather to hear from experts on the current state of the market and opportunities, affordable programs, DPAs and tools and resources to help aspiring buyers achieve homeownership! Big thanks to our partners Freddie Mac and MGIC and to all of our speakers; Tina Tamboer at The Cromford Report, Monica La Crue, CMP from Freddie Mac, Julie Bernal from MGIC and our Bell Ask the Underwriter panelists, Amy Glatte, Barbara Lahaie, Kandra Marlin, DJ David and Dana Flores. #BellYeah #HomeownershipIsPossible #FredddieMac #MGIC #BellBankMortgage