Warning: Boston Specific
Attn: First Championship parade Restaurant and Bar operations teams
From the desk of a 10 parade veteran
It may not be too late to adjust your plan.
If you are on the parade route: You will probably be busy with folks before the parade, then you will be dead once the duck boats are in sight and a mad rush after the boats are no longer visible. Many of these people just want a restroom and water, how you choose to deal with that is important. Parade day they may be a nuisance but the rest of the year they or their connections are your guests have a plan let your team know what that plan is but be prepared to adapt.
If you are not on the parade route but are on a pedestrian route near a T stop or on the way to or from one: You too will have to deal with the post-parade traffic at what could be an odd time for your team, you may fill up with folks looking to have a
"light lunch" and watch the parade on the TV's if you have them. Those folks may linger and have an extra beverage or two. Be prepared for an odd flow of traffic through the day as folks tire of being in the sun and start to head back to their home turf. Have a plan for how the day shift team will deal with folks who have had one too many Gansetts, this is something they may not have the experience that your night side team has.
Most of all have fun it is supposed to be a celebration!
#Celtics #parade #BostonBars #BostonRestaurants #Champions #18Championships #duckboats #CelticsParade