? 102 MSC members ? 19 States represented ? 82 Congressional meetings in a single day! ?? Day 2 of #MSCinDC24: Our members made their voices heard on Capitol Hill and engaged with lawmakers to champion key priorities: ?? Protecting the Independent Contractor Model ?? Military Moving: GAO Study Follow-Up ?? Combatting Moving Fraud and Strengthening Enforcement ?? Restoring the Moving Expense Tax Deduction ?? Modernizing Consumer Protection Rules and Broker Registration Requirements Thank you to everyone who helped elevate our industry's voice today! bit.ly/3NOmr9p
American Trucking Associations的动态
The New York Litigation Guide annual update is complete, and includes 350 new cases and over a dozen new chapters. For 96 causes of action, NYLG is your go-to-guide for elements, case cites, statutes of limitation, defenses and more. Visit our free sample chapter: https://nylitguide.com/ #newyork #legalresearch #caselaw #defenses #statuteoflimitations #elements
The New York Litigation Guide annual update is complete, and includes 350 new cases and over a dozen new chapters. For 96 causes of action, NYLG is your go-to-guide for elements, case cites, statutes of limitation, defenses and more. Visit our free sample chapter: https://nylitguide.com/ #newyork #legalresearch #caselaw #defenses #statuteoflimitations #elements
There Were Two Drafts of the Second Amendment and its final version, with changes in wording as it passed to ratification. The first draft was seemingly about the militia: “A well regulated militia, compofed of the body of the People, being the beft fecurity of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms, fhall not be infringed, but no one religioufly fcrupulous of bearing arms, fhall be compelled to render military fervice in perfon.” Misfire: The Supreme Court, The Second Amendment, Our Right to Bear Arms - Chapter VIII Get “Misfire” Now! Amazon: https://a.co/d/h3BHApM B&N: https://lnkd.in/gBgSXk6t Rare Bird: https://lnkd.in/gpK69v-S #Misfire #BanGuns #GunControl #BanFirearms #SteveMarkoff #RedFlagLaws #GunControlNow #MarchForOurLives #BanAssaultWeapons
As the USS Liberty FOIA case returns to court, questions arise about whether the requested documents should finally be declassified. With the judge's decision expected soon, this case highlights the long-standing debate over transparency and national security. Advocates for release argue that disclosure would honor the USS Liberty crew and promote accountability, while others maintain secrecy is vital to national interests. Should this information be made public, or are there still valid reasons to keep it classified? Thoughts? #USS_Liberty #FOIA #Declassification #Transparency #NationalSecurity
Military family issues are very complex. Having experience in those nuances of laws and how the courts could handle your situation helps keep you at ease and helps make a fair decision. Learn more at: https://lnkd.in/ejEVimsm #McKinneyLawGroup #TampaDivorceAttorney #Asheville #NorthCarolinaFamilyLawyer
A big win for credit unions! The U.S. House of Representatives’ official text for the “Servicemember Quality of Life Improvement and National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2025” (NDAA) does not include the Durbin-Marshall Credit Card Competition Act (CCCA) or related study proposals that could give rise to similar regulations. https://loom.ly/SodT3Gk #creditunions Defense Credit Union Council (DCUC) Anthony R. Hernandez
THIS IS MAGA: CRIMINAL TERRORISTS (ALLEGEDLY*) Donald Trump and JD Vance have been CRIMINALLY CHARGED for their stochastic terrorist attack on The Haitian community and the City of Springfield et al. CHARGES: 1. Disrupting Public Services (actual harm) 2. Making False Alarms (terrorism) 3. Committing Telecommunications Harassment (assault) 4. Committing Aggravated Menacing (terrorism, assault) 5. Committing Aggravated Menacing II (terrorism, assault) 6. Violating the Prohibition Against Complicity (conspiring to commit assault, terrorism, in order to bring about actual harm) (ALLEGEDLY*) BULLSHIT, WE SAW IT, THIS IS WHO THEY ARE They are prima facia guilty as the entire world has been made aware of Trump and Vance's attack on the people of Springfield. They have knowingly lied and caused actual damage to property, businesses, schools, city government, emergency services, and people. They have been INVADED by white nationalists, walking their streets and threatening the locals: the Americans who live there. They have achieved their goal of stochastic terrorism. They said they know better and make it up. That is prima facia. #terrorism #stochasticterrorism #whitepower #fascism #trump #vance #criminals #crime #34felonies #
FINALLY! Trump and Vance Will Face…CRIMINAL CHARGES?!!!
This is where Donald J. Trump has led us. This is what happens when a flood of lies lead Americans to distrust the very institutions & civil servants who protect & serve them. Trump has attacked & lied about our US Military, our Veterans, NIH & CDC, our democratic Elections, our Free Press, FEMA, our separation of Church & State, our Department of Justice, our Law Enforcement Professionals, our Healthcare Professionals, our Courts & Judges, and pretty much anyone who doesn’t think the way that Trump tells them to think. * Trump’s design is to leave Americans feeling that there is nobody who has our backs, there is no institution that we can trust to serve us, there is nobody protecting us from evil, and that only Trump can be our savior, our messiah. ** When people are soaked in a firehose of lies, they are unable to discern what is true & what is false, what is real & what is fabrication. They lose faith in our society, our government, our community, they even lose faith in their family & friends. *** Eventually, getting continually soaked in that firehose of lies can leave people feeling that they have nothing more to lose. This is what is in store for you should Trump be elected to a 2nd Term.
Right to bear arms "SEC. 15. Every citizen has a right to bear arms in defense of himself and the state." Article First Declaration of Rights (Connecticut Constitution (2024 Edition)) "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." U.S. Const. Amd. II (1791) (United States Constitution (2017 Edition)) In light of the killings in Georgia, see the constitutional right to bear arms under the Connecticut Constitution as opposed to the United States Constitution. Connecticut has the right to bear arms so that each citizen can defend himself or the state, While the Federal Constitution qualifies this right to insure we have a well regulated militia. Now I am not as learned as a Supreme Court Justice. But it seems to me citizens of the Connecticut have a greater more expansive right to bear arms than the right guaranteed by the Federal Consitution. Additionally, none of the 50 states has a militia, rather each has a Nation Guard. This idea that the 2nd amendment allows any person to have a weapon of mass destruction, like the ones used in mass shootings is absurd.