?? Announcing ASTRO Information Security ?? Hello world, I’m K.O., and I’m here to change the cybersecurity industry. This passion was inspired a few years ago when I received a call from a hospital executive who was in tears, struggling to save lives during a ransomware attack. That experience changed me - and I’ve dedicated the last decade to pushing the limits of my skills in cybersecurity, from leading teams at NASA's Security Operations Center to designing security solutions in multibillion dollar architectures at Cisco. Today, I’m excited to introduce ASTRO Information Security—a collective of passionate cybersecurity pros with over 50+ years of combined experience, 30+ industry acclaimed certifications, and over 30,000 security investigations under our belt! We’re here to protect you whether you’re a small businesses, nonprofit, and/or hospital that is tired of feeling vulnerable. At ASTRO, we offer comprehensive cybersecurity services, including penetration testing (internal/external/web/API/red teaming), SOC maturity assessments, and 24x7 managed detection and response. Our goal is simple: to secure not just your organization, but your dreams and livelihood. So if you or someone you know has any needs for cybersecurity, I would love to have a conversation with you! Let’s make the world a safer place online, together. K.O. #Cybersecurity #ASTROInformationSecurity #TechLaunch #infosec #giac #sans #pentesting #offsec #offensivesecurity #zerotrust #xdr #edr #mdr #redteaming #blueteaming #blueteam #dfir #isc2 #cissp #gcih #gcfa #gcia #gnfa #gxpn #gpen #oscp
So happy for you!!!