#TinkeringTuesday #CodeForChange #Maker_Movement #SOCCs #STEM4Girls The community and education department celebrated the inaugural function of our fist hub of code for change to trained the coding and robotics club leaders across Udaipur district. This Code for change hub is developed from the support of School staff, School Management committee and local leaders of old Udaipur city. we are aiming to trained 200 coding and robotics club leaders across Udaipur through a SOCCs cascade of learning Asia Initiatives model where each leader is responsible to formation and facilitation of code club in their schools. Each leaders will get point and redeem it for the further up-skilling and scholarship opportunity. Shalini Joshi Komal Roy Pawan Poonia Pradeep Joshi Anurag Vyas Narpat Singh Chundawat Harsha Harsha