Forests are one of our most powerful climate solutions. At ART, our work seeks to help protect and restore forests at scale—certifying high-integrity, jurisdictional REDD+ credits that unlock finance for ambitious climate action. On this day, we celebrate the vital role forests play in safeguarding our planet and reaffirm our commitment to working closely with stakeholders in the 25 jurisdictions participating in ART - which have a combined total of 435 million hectares of forest cover, an area more than twice the size of Mexico - to continue to build on the growing momentum for JREDD+. Mary Grady Christina Magerkurth Franklin Paniagua Julia Paltseva Mikaela Weisse Lucia Madrid Asako N.G. Takimoto kadiri ishatu Mindy Syfert #InternationalDayofForests #ClimateAction #REDDplus #NatureBasedSolutions