?? A Milestone to Celebrate! ??? Last week, I successfully defended my PhD dissertation titled: “Labour Market Activation of Migrant Women Through a Postcolonial Feminist Lens” ?? My research delves into how policymakers perceive migrant women as an untapped labor pool for ‘undesirable’, high-demand jobs—especially in domestic and care work—and how activation policies targeting these women unfold in practice. Through ethnographic fieldwork in an activation programme, I uncovered a troubling pattern: ?? Systemic victimisation of migrant women by policymakers, social workers, and even researchers. Victimisation stems from colonial narratives, framing non-Western women as powerless and defined by victimhood.? ?? This victimisation perpetuates discriminatory attitudes, systematically underestimating their capabilities, skills, experiences, and ambitions, relegating them to low-skilled jobs. This work has been deeply shaped by the voices and experiences of the women I had the privilege of learning from. ?? To the research participants who shared their stories with me—thank you for your courage and trust. ?? This journey has been as challenging as it has been inspiring, and I’m incredibly grateful to my supervisors Anneleen Forrier and Nele De Cuyper, committee members Christophe Vanroelen, Colette van Laar, Dide van Eck and Rein De Cooman, and everyone who supported me along the way. ?? Here’s to fostering critical conversations and challenging oppressive structures in labour market activation policies! ??
Congratulations Dr! Such important work and so happy for you ??
Congrats Annelies! ??????????
Dikke proficiat! Superfier op jou!
Gefeliciteerd, Annelies! ????
Proficiat Annelies!!! ??
Proficiat Annelies! Heel inspirerend onderwerp dat hopelijk aanzet tot verandering!
Wauw, wat tof Annelies! Proficiat!
Gefeliciteerd, Annelies!??
Projectleider Vervolgtrajecten na Inburgering
3 个月Interessant! Is het mogelijk jouw onderzoeksresultaten te ontvangen en/of hierover uit te wisselen a.u.b.?