I’ve just had a very busy week in D.C., where my team –two-thirds of whom are women– met with finance ministers, central bank governors, clients and attended and participated in several panels. As many of the people we met these days have recognized, we have a great story on responsible banking and we will continue to tell it, as I did at the panel with World Bank president, Goldman Sachs CEO and Ivanka Trump. We can have a huge positive impact when we do things right for our 142 million customers. Here are some of the insights we had on the economy, as well as related issues such as responsible business, digital regulation and what this all means for Banco Santander: https://lnkd.in/dk46Ax8
It is the same for women in other industries. Green Sea Guard, real time ship emissions monitoring is one of the few companies in the marine sector run by Mrs Anita Bradshaw.
Incredible leader. Proud to be working for Santander!
Did you really say 'I was Spanish, I was not in a developed country'? Do you seriously mean that Spain wasn't a developed country in 1998?
Did you mention your appalling record on PPI in the UK?
Me sorprende que un banco como el Santander no cumpla su promesa con un cliente Select y sea taca?o y poco elegsnte. Ana no permitas que el Banco pierda su esencia
Thanks to Ana Botin for talking about the real experiences of women trying to access the financial services sector. Unlocking the potential of finance for women is clearly good business as female wealth is set to grow faster than that of men for decades to come. I was told last week by the UK’s Wisdom Council that there are already more female millionaires under 44 in Britain than male. This is helpful but change might happen a lot faster if we had a few more female billionaires like Ana Botin to talk to men at the top!
Truly an inspiring woman and leader Ana!
Very interesting
ebanista,restaurador mobiliiario,carpinteromonitor ebanisteria escuelas taller en personal
5 年Estos magnos encuentros NO SE TRADUCEN EN NADA A La ESTRUCTURA ECONóMICA DE LA GENTE NORMAL.... son encuentros de alianzas para, hacer a las entidades financieras más poderosas y unificar grandes corporaciones bancarias que darán como resultado una vuelta, de tuerca, a la economía FAMILIAR por eso yo llamo la, atención a la, SE?ORA Botín a un encuentro a nivel de los, que le domicicilian sus nóminas seguros impuestos en el Santander esos son los apestados de estos encuentros anímese se?ora Botín que su honorable PAPA NOS DIJO QUE TENDRíAMOS, QUE TRAVAHAR MáS A?OS Y GANAR MENOS.... ESO LO CUENTA USTED EN ESOS ENCUENTROS..?? .... O SE LO CALLA.... PERO LO PIENSA Y LO QUIERE ANíMESE Y LLáMEME Y HABLAREMOS DE ECONOMíA FINANCIERA..... SALUDOS