After a year of tribulations and uncertainty, Assaf Ben David, the principal of the AMIT Sderot Religious High School, along with the whole management team and teachers, decided to end the year with a 2-day journey of strength. Day 1 of the journey from Sderot to Jerusalem began with a talk from the commander of the Sderot police station and continued along the path of heroes from Biblical times till today. It culminated at the Jerusalem theater for a show led by students with the participation of various dignitaries and a concert starring Chanan Ben Ari. Day 2 began at Mount Herzl, continued with a talk by Rabbanit Yamima, visiting Ammunition Hill, the Museum of Underground Prisoners, the Spring Trail, and the Time Elevator (a journey back in time through the history of Jerusalem). It ended with a march to the Western Wall and a closing ceremony. We wish all our students and graduates a wonderful summer, and look forward to a better year ahead. photos by ???? ??? #chananbenari #Jerusalem #strength
AMIT Children的动态
These posters are brilliant. What too many miss is the basic moral truth around October 7, and the ensuing war. ? It is #Hamas who perpetrated the atrocities of October 7 and #Israel, the worst against Jewish people since Holocaust. ? It is #Hamas that kidnapped 250 people from Israel including babies, has tortured, raped and murdered many of them in captivity, and continues to hold about 100 to be alive. ? It is #Hamas that planned the attack for years, with the intent that this would result in a major war with Israel, and with a plan to use their own people as human shields ("tactical civilian sacrifice") so that they could benefit from the propaganda value. ? No country on earth could suffer the atrocities inflicted on its citizens by #Hamas without waging war. ? Every war is horrible, and civilians are always killed in higher numbers than combatants. The #UN puts the average ratio of civilians to combat and killed at 9:1. What stands out most about Israel's war in Gaza is how low the ratio is, even though #Hamas locates its tunnels, rockets weaponry and command centers deep within hospitals, playgrounds, schools, apartment buildings, etc. The ratio in #Gaza is less than two: one. An independent commission of six #NATO generals toured Gaza not long ago and concluded that Israel the same high moral standards of waging war that NATO does, and in some cases does far more then NATO does to ensure civilian safety as much as possible. ? And here's the fundamental truth about what can end the war immediately (and could have at any time): #Hamas must release the hostages, lay down its weapons and agree to leave power. That's it. The war would be over tomorrow and Gaza would have the opportunity to rebuild. This is what saying, moral human beings would be protesting for, rather than blaming the victim. #StandWithIsrael #StandWithCivilization #StandForTruth
Naftali Bennett : What is it about the Gaza war that’s causing all these riots around the world? During the past 50 years the world has seen HUNDREDS of terrible wars. None of them caused the massive anti-Israel riots we’re seeing now in the universities. So what’s unique about this particular war? Are there more civilian losses in Gaza (10,000-14,000) than in other wars? Not at all. The war in Congo killed MILLIONS ; The Syrian civil war almost a million; The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan killed hundreds of thousands each. Was it that Israel initiated this war? Nope. This war started ONLY because of the savage October 7th massacre that Hamas executed against innocent babies, women and men. So why? What’s is it about this war that gets these intellectuals and students out there burning and breaking into buildings? Why is the ICC singling out Israel? You know the answer: Because it’s Israel, the only Jewish State on earth. It’s the Jews. It’s the same reason Jews were singled out for the past 2000 years. Jews were accused of being lazy or too ambitious; of behaving differently or trying to assimilate; of being weaklings or being too strong; of being an economic burden on society or succeeding too much in business. The true reason was none of these. It was because they were Jews. This wave of Israel-hate is simply a new incarnation of good old antisemitism. Well, we won’t apologize for being Jewish or loving the Jewish State. Get over it.
Very grateful to theJewish Council of Australia for organising the webinar today with Peter Beinart . It was a rich and nuanced perspective which I understand will be elaborated in his forthcoming book. For me key points were: - the value of supporting the diversity of Jewish perspectives on the nature of the Israel/Palestine state as part of the task of tackling anti- semitism - the central importance of consistent support for non discriminatory democratic practice - avoiding the trap of Israeli exceptionalism - for the future of democracy everywhere and the protection of the systems which underpin the safety of Jews (and everyone else) in diaspora communities as well as in Israel - the importance of bringing Jews Muslims and Christians together to counter the dehumanisation that erodes natural human empathy and promotes the horrific (genocidal) acts which are currently being perpetrated - the value of continuing to encourage measured and enlightened discussion of how Palestinians (including those with Right of Return) and Jews can live as equals in the land both communities call home.
Israel is a GENOCIDAL state, Trying to kill, beat and chase out Palestinians from their homeland. Israel makes life UNBEARABLE for Palestinians, so their standards of living are low and so they know they are UNSAFE and can be killed with IMPUNITY, so they will LEAVE THEIR LAND, so Israel can STEAL more and more of it. Matt Frei, channel 4, IDF and settler threats to kill and intimidation, cutting electricity, blocking roads with boulders, filling water wells: Channel 4 news, Israeli illegal settlers and IDF, intimidation, violence and land theft: IDF shoot boys in street And they always lie. These just happened to be caught on camera. West bank killings Israel illegally imprisoned Palestinian Farouk Al Khatib, he was STARVED and TORTURED with incendiary balloons in his intestine! They only released him when they had destroyed his health completely: The UN has since released a report saying women taken from Gaza were raped. Former US State Department official, Josh Paul, says when they reported credible claims of a CHILD being RAPED in an ISRAELI PRISON, to Israel, Israel acted IMMEDIATELY... by labelling the charity that reported it a terrorist organisation, ransacked their office and shut it down: Israel's torture of Palestinian children ABC Australia West bank beatings. This is occupation: 248 Palestinians murdered by IDF and settlers JUST in 2023 ALONE, BEFORE 7th October. COULD YOU LIVE LIKE THIS? Under OCCUPATION, where the daily BRUTALITY, the APARTHEID, the EVICTIONS and HOME DEMOLITIONS are not enough, FALSE IMPRISONMENTS are not enough, the occupying force HUNTS YOUR CHILDREN in the streets, like a REAPING! Since 7th October they've killed HUNDREDS more in the west bank. And of the thousands murdered in this decades' long conflict, 96% were Palestinian. Now, it's more.
Building Products by Day, Advocating for Justice by Passion Product Owner | Human Rights Advocate | Bridging Tech & Advocacy for a Just World
Over the past few days, I've been getting a lot of comments from Israelis inviting me to visit the occupied territories. They want to show me how Arabs have the same rights as Jewish Israelis and how they supposedly work together, live together, denying any apartheid. But then, I come across videos like this one, where a young boy is insulted and mistreated by the army for no reason at all. It really makes me wonder how some people can be so delusional about the realities on the ground. Please don’t tell me these are merely isolated incidents, because this reflects the reality for the majority. Statistics concluded by Human Rights Organizations such as B’etselem, highlighting Israel’s apartheid system, speak volumes for themselves! Israel is simply an occupying, apartheid state. There's nothing complicated about it.
Israel’s goal is not to beat Hamas, but rather to keep using them & similar groups as a pretext to continue ethnically cleansing more of historic Palestine. That’s why Israel helped strengthen Hamas for years & continues using indiscriminate brutality against all Palestinians even though they know it only helps Hamas & similar groups recruit. Most of the 30K Hamas fighters today were orphaned by Israeli bombing over the past 20 years, & Israel just created around 20K more orphans since 10/7. And OVER 65% of the people that Israel has been killing have been WOMEN (>10K) &j CHILDREN (>14K), & they have been killing & starving everyone, including babies, disabled kids, elderly, & pregnant women, so this is definitely genocide & NOT a “war”. ??Please write & call your representatives to demand they stop helping Israel kill children & maintain its brutal, racist apartheid with our tax dollars. ???? And what would you do if someone stole or demolished your house & livelihood, killed some of your family, & left the rest of you to live in the squalor of a refugee camp? That is what Israel did to over 750K Palestinians in 1948, over 300K in 1967, over 250K since 1967, & MORE EVERY YEAR — FOR THE CRIME OF NOT BEING JEWISH. ???? Most of the families in Gaza owned homes & farms where Israeli cities & towns now stand, which Israel literally stole from them. Many even still have their front door keys. AND NOW ISRAEL IS DOING IT TO THEM FOR THE 2ND TIME. ???? Jewish-Israeli sources: 1) Prof. Ilan Pappé, Historian: 2) Miko Peled, ex-IDF soldier, son of an Israeli general & grandson of one of Israel’s founders: ???? The root cause of this horrible conflict is that Israeli Zionists actually believe they own every Palestinian home & farm, & have the right to kill indigenous Palestinian families who won’t leave. ???? Here is renowned Jewish-American Prof. Noam Chomsky explaining how ridiculous the Zionist ownership claim is: Palestinians have been there for thousands of years, never left, & their genetics proves it. At some point, their Canaanite & Jewish ancestors simply converted to Christianity &/or Islam. So why would that mean Jewish immigrants from Europe & the U.S., who have never even been there, own all of their homes & property? ???? Finally, if you still believe the lie that Israel has offered Palestinians many generous peace deals that they keep rejecting, please read this article that explains the truth:
Let’s be clear, and speak in simple terms. This was never just about Hamas. Just like it was never about Fatah, or the PLO. This is about crushing the Palestinian people, and taking everything they have- because radical colonialists believe they are entitled to it. This is about the belief in their own superiority; driven by frayed logic that has zero place in a post-modern world. Nothing the Palestinians could ever offer this fascist state would satiate it, save their own disappearance. It doesn’t matter that Hamas has signaled their openness to full disarmament. Accepting such an offer would deprive this government of its main mission- to claim every last inch of Palestinian land.
After WW II, there was so much Western guilt about the Holocaust that, even though Jews owned less than 10% of the land of historic Palestine, Israel was given 56% of the land and 80% of the coast. And, Israel was given the most arable lands. The racism of that is obvious. What is less obvious to many in the West today (but clear to just about everyone else, especially in the Global South) is that the 2-State solution is fundamentally racist to the core because it acknowledges that white people can take land from brown people and do whatever they want with it (including partitioning it so that white people now have 78% of the land). Let me be clear, white people do not have the right to create Israel and then demand everyone else recognize its right to exist. As the former member of AIPAC says in this video, that is a recipe for creating Hamas (and other likeminded groups).
A former Zionist AIPAC member debunks: US, Israel, Zionism, Palestine, Hamas, Partition, Arab world.
In the middle of a war, I walked to East Jerusalem through Arab neighborhoods to meet my Palestinian friend to talk about the challenges we face and the possibility of a better future. Don't generalize about Palestinians or Jews or Zionists. There are good people who want a better future and will work to make it happen. My thoughts in this blog.