“If I get deported to my country, it will be the end of me. It scares me to my core just even thinking about it.”? ? This week, Andrés García, a former Amica Center client and LGBTQ+ immigrant rights advocate, shared his fears about another Trump administration with Mother Jones. ? ? Read the article at: https://lnkd.in/eXD9KMtS ? ? Andrés came to the U.S. after he fled anti-LGBTQ+ violence in El Salvador. A few years after he arrived, he was detained by ICE for a year. While in detention, he reached out to Amica Center. We provided him with free direct legal representation and working with our staff, he fought for his asylum and won his case in 2023.? ? But now, he?is deeply concerned about his future after Trump’s re-election, “I’m in a safer place now, but I’m still on the immigration system. I will never get off of the system until I become a citizen. What if Trump’s policies become reality where they are going to deport everybody who has a record?” ? ? For Andrés and others, the impact of these changes is profound. Shifting policies could put hard-won asylum status at risk.? ? At Amica Center, we don’t know exactly what this next Trump administration will look like, but we know what we’ve seen before. Harmful policies of mass incarceration and deportation will tear communities and families apart.? ? No matter what attacks are made against immigrant communities, Amica Center will continue to defend the rights of all people seeking safety.?