Best business book, new rules for email, and a tomato timer for productivity
Courtesy: Pat Flynn / YouTube

Best business book, new rules for email, and a tomato timer for productivity

This is an excerpt from my weekly email, Something for Everyone, a list of what I’m enjoying within the topics of productivity and time management. (format credit: Tim Ferriss)

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Experiment I’m trying ??

The Pomodoro Technique

I’ve used this technique on and off for several years, but I recently started using it more. Every time, I’m reminded of its greatness.

Article I’m reading ??

Hide your phone when you’re trying to work

I used to be borderline-addicted to my phone, until I finally decided my phone isn’t worth the time and brain cells I was dedicating to it. So, I made some serious changes, starting with these seven.

Video I’m watching ??

The book is “The Coaching Habit” by Michael Bungay Stainer, which I added to my reading list and read after watching this video.

At the heart of this book are seven essential questions which “great coaches” should ask. Plus, it’s a short and easy read.

Quote I’m pondering ??

“It’s not that we have little time, but more that we waste a good deal of it.” — Seneca

Among the many places we waste a good deal of time is in our email inbox, which I’ve cut down drastically thanks to some new rules for checking email.

>> To get my “Something for Everyone” email once a week, subscribe here >>

~ Josh

Hack My Time


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