Celebrate #NationalHispanicHeritageMonth! ACE commends the growth in Hispanic American enrollment, completion, and degree attainment in #highereducation. Read the recent Race and Ethnicity report for more on their achievements. https://ow.ly/eVEB50Tnpu2
American Council on Education的动态
A census is one of the most important statistical instruments for a nation. With it, the government not only identifies current socio-demographic patterns but plans resource allocation. A badly implemented census will have deleterious consequences for the entire nation, but particularly for already marginalized communities. Please take the time to read and inform yourself regarding the OMB decision to move on with a multiracial division question on the census, which has already been called for its negative impacts not only on the instrument itself but most importantly on millions of people across the national territory. #latinoisnotarace #latinocount #n4j #numbersaretoolsnottruth
This latest effort ensures that Latinos are effectively deracinated and may cause Afro-Latinos to be erased. By listing Latino ethnicity as co-equal with racial categories, Latinos are inaccurately portrayed as a population without racial differences despite all the research showing how Black Latinos are treated differently from other Latinos. Separating ethnicity from race is essential for making visible the actual and intersectional racial disparities that exist within a racially diverse ethnic group like Latinos in access to important public goods such as access to education, employment, housing, medical services, etc. Without it, systemic racism, especially when discussing Latino populations, is rendered invisible. #latinoisnotarace #lasvidasnegrasimportant https://lnkd.in/ggTP_xnF
This latest effort ensures that Latinos are effectively deracinated and may cause Afro-Latinos to be erased. By listing Latino ethnicity as co-equal with racial categories, Latinos are inaccurately portrayed as a population without racial differences despite all the research showing how Black Latinos are treated differently from other Latinos. Separating ethnicity from race is essential for making visible the actual and intersectional racial disparities that exist within a racially diverse ethnic group like Latinos in access to important public goods such as access to education, employment, housing, medical services, etc. Without it, systemic racism, especially when discussing Latino populations, is rendered invisible. #latinoisnotarace #lasvidasnegrasimportant https://lnkd.in/ggTP_xnF
Why is Hispanic Heritage Month so Important? Hispanic Heritage Month is an opportunity to shine a spotlight on the unique voices and experiences of Hispanic/Latino Americans and recognize their history, journeys, and achievements. Through these celebrations, we can all help to inspire younger generations and bring communities together. Representation matters.?? It’s crucial to make sure that the contributions of the Latino community are showcased, and that Latinas and Latinos have a voice. According to 2020 data from the U.S. Census Bureau, one in every four children in the United States is Hispanic/Latino. A recent study found that Latino history is largely left out in high school textbooks that are used across the United States, despite the increasing percentage of Latina and Latino students. This also comes when the economic output of American Latinos would rank fifth in the world if the community were an independent country. As the country continues to increase in diversity, it’s necessary for all citizens to learn more about American Hispanic and Latino/a/x experiences to better value their many contributions. https://lnkd.in/dSNxAtPF
Who can call themselves "#FirstGeneration"? And is it even the right question? The Axios article by Russell Contreras nicely describes the variety of interpretations of what a "#FirstGen" is? It adds to the 10-20 other definitions used in government and at organizations supporting FirstGens. Grammatically speaking it makes sense to consider anyone coming from abroad to settle into the country as a first generation. When we will have the first 100 people on Mars, they will be first generation Martians. And the next 10,000 arriving will also be first generation Martians. They are immigrants, coming from somewhere else. Another way to look at this is to be more specific. You are: - A #firstgenerationimmigrant if you are the first in your family to immigrate to this new country, for example the USA. - A #firstgenerationcollegestudent if you are the first in your family to go to college in the USA. - A #firstgenerationprofessional if you are the first in your family to have a corporate job in the USA. - A #firstgenerationentrepreneur if you are the first in your family to be an entrepreneur in the USA. As I described in https://lnkd.in/ehqtYtaE we should focus especially on 'being the first generation in your immediate environment doing something new', something family and friends can't really help you with because they have never lived THAT same experience. And that is the key part: the experience. You can't call yourself a first-generation immigrant when you were born in the USA and your parents moved from their birth country to the USA. Because you can't imagine, you can't grasp what it means to leave your native country behind and start a completely new life in an environment that has other norms etc. You can call yourself a first-generation college student when your parents never went through the college experience in the USA. Because now it's you having to figure out how to operate in this environment that has other norms etc. And you can't ask your parents for advice, they never lived THAT experience. They may have a PhD from another country, or they may be descendants from Irish immigrants to the USA four generations ago, not having lived through the US college experience means their advice to their college entering children will be limited. The same thinking holds for when you become the first generation in your family to have a corporate job or become an entrepreneur in another country. Your surroundings haven't lived THAT experience, so it's hard for them to understand what that means, how that goes, what it takes to become successful on that path you are pioneering and that is a first in your family. In the end it's all about the experience, and if it's easy or not for you to find someone in your environment who can help you on this new path. Dany [Thanks Mike Taubleb for the link]
Who gets to say they're first-generation in the U.S. — immigrants who have settled here, or their U.S.-born children — is an issue that is hotly debated by Latinos, whose positions often contradict historians and social scientists.
U.S. Latinos debate whether they're first or second-generation
Do degree requirements impact racial and ethnic diversity in the PA Profession? In this #JPAE article, the authors investigate the impact of degree requirements on Black and Hispanic representation among PAs. #PADegreeRequirements #HealthcareDiversity https://ow.ly/U8n150RH1z6
Afro-Latinos don't always feel the benefits of being part of both the Latino and Black communities. The study by the Latino Policy & Politics Institute at UCLA found that the Afro-Latino population in the United States has increased by 121% from 2000 to 2019. Afro-Latinos tend to be younger and have higher education levels than non-Black Latinos. However, they experience higher poverty rates and lower homeownership rates due to their position in society and often not being recognized as part of the U.S. Black culture. #blackhistorymonth2024 #latinoamerica #latinohistoryisblackhistory
Last month, I discussed this issue when they held a meeting without student or staff/faculty input, aiming to bring it to a vote in May. Now, here we are. The reasoning given is that "DEI is not inclusive," while simultaneously stating, "we need to encourage diversity of thought." "Diversity of thought" has recently become a tagline for those dismantling diversity initiatives. It's a blatant contradiction because true diversity of thought would negate the need for DEI. The real issue is the indoctrination telling adults they cannot independently understand and learn about DEI. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion is not just about race and identity. It encompasses gender, socioeconomic status, accessibility, and ability/disability. DEI encompasses acceptance of ALL of those differences and understand who we are as people. But, Inclusion is a choice. It’s a choice we make every day to ensure that EVERYONE, from all walks of life feel validated & respected. By choosing to dismantle DEI, you alienate and isolate various demographics, including those categories that you and your loved ones might fall into as well. #SocialTalk #Faculty #Professor #afroamerican #CRT #americanhistory #ushistory #banned #criticalracetheory #Blackpeople #Black #blackhistory #historylovers #DoddsEducates #dei #diversitymatters #UnitedStates #USA #UnitedStatesOfAmerica #Polialertcom #segregation #intergration #Education #NorthCarolina
Today, we recognize Juneteenth, a significant day in American history marking the abolishment of slavery in the United States. On June 19, 1865, freedom was proclaimed to the last enslaved African Americans in Galveston, Texas, two and a half years after the Emancipation Proclamation. Juneteenth is a time for reflection and continued commitment to the principles of freedom, equality, and justice. It reminds us of the progress we've made and the work that still lies ahead to ensure a truly inclusive society. Discussing our history can be difficult, but it is essential. Understanding and acknowledging the past is crucial to building a better future. We must engage in these conversations with openness and a commitment to learning. We also want to express our deep appreciation for our employees who provide person-centered care and services for older adults. Your dedication and compassion embody the spirit of service and equality that Juneteenth represents. You represent the best of aging services. Let's honor this day by educating ourselves, supporting Black communities, and advocating for change. Together, we can build a future where every individual is truly free and valued. #Juneteenth #FreedomDay #Equality #Inclusion #Diversity #PersonCenteredCare #UnderstandingHistory
September 15-October 15, 2024 is National Hispanic Heritage Month! I am celebrating National Hispanic Heritage Month as an ally! It is indeed important for several reasons. It helps promote understanding, respect, and appreciation for the rich contributions of Hispanic and Latinx communities to society. Here’s why it matters to me: Embracing cultural awareness: My aim, is to broaden understandings of diverse traditions, arts, and values, helping to combat stereotypes and misconceptions. It’s important to amplify voices intentionally as an ally, celebrating allows me to uplift the voices of Hispanic individuals, giving them the platform to share their experiences and achievements. I stand in solidarity and support! As an active participant with the Hispanic programming strengthens and fosters inclusivity, showing my stance with them in addressing issues like inequality or discrimination. And Finally, leaning into education and advocacy, actively learning about the challenges faced by Hispanic and Latinx communities can inform advocacy efforts. #NationalHispanicHeritageMonth2024 #AllyshipInAction #Inclusivity
People with disabilities often face the added expectation of educating others about their experiences. While sharing personal insights can foster understanding, it's important to recognise that they shouldn’t always bear the responsibility for everyone’s learning. ?? True inclusivity is about active allyship. It means investing in accessible resources, prioritising inclusive training, and proactively seeking out knowledge. It's your responsibility to take the initiative to understand—without expecting those with disabilities to lead every conversation. Value insights when offered, but remember: learning about diversity is a shared responsibility. I love working with our clients at SocialTalent to recommend DEI training that is impactful and authentic???? #Inclusion #Allyship #DisabilityAwareness #DEITraining
It’s the start of Disability History Month! Although I enjoy sharing my experiences, there *sometimes* are exceptions…