Today, when I was receiving congratulations for my work anniversary, I decided to share a little bit about how everything started... This journey started in 2017, when I was recently back from my exchange program - no job, having to move to a different home, without internet connection during this transition (things can get really slow in Brazil), and no idea what I'd do. Then, on one of those days, I decided to check the emails from my University, and Helpjuice was listed as one of the opportunities. When I read the email, I was like, "Ok, this is too good to be true," so I was kind of suspicious, but something told me to go for it - why not try? So I went to a LAN house (yes, I was still without internet lol) and started my text project between a teenage boy playing Counter-Strike and a man arguing with some support agent via Skype. A few days later, they contacted me to know more about me - not just about how Amanda would do the job, but to understand me as a person, to see if I was a fit. Well, you can guess how that went =D After being tested for a few weeks, I got my definitive "yes" on 12/30/2017. Unusual time? Maybe so, but we are always changing, adapting, and improving processes, so we make important decisions at the right time, without having to be constrained by some rules. You have no idea how much I've learned and grown in those 7 years - we were a really small team, and now we have lots of amazing people in several different areas. When I like a place and I feel that I can grow, that I can learn, that I'm valued, I stay. I stay, and I'm loyal to the purpose we all have in common. Some say customers come first, but I say the team comes first, because without a strong and reliable team, we can't offer anything to our customers. To offer the best, we need to be the best, and that's what we do every day - we challenge ourselves, we stay together during good times, and we stay even closer during challenging times. Emil H., thanks for always pushing us to be the best we can be! To many more years ahead - always together, always stronger!
Amanda Stan?ani的动态
As this year winds down and I celebrate my work anniversary at SFPA, I find myself reflecting on a leap of faith I took a year ago. After spending 10 years at my previous job, making a career change felt monumental. I had been in my comfort zone for years, and while comfort is nice, I knew it was time to challenge myself. Still, I was afraid of change. I questioned if I could succeed somewhere new. Could I find a role that not only allowed me to grow but also honored the things I value most—time with my family, time with my son, flexibility, balance, good benefits, and good pay? I wanted to continue learning, growing, and contributing meaningfully without compromising those priorities. Feeling a sense of purpose in what I do is so important to me—whether it’s supporting my team or helping clients. That purpose drives me and keeps me striving for more. Looking back, I’m so glad I took the leap. It wasn’t easy, and it wasn’t always comfortable, but it was worth it. Over the past year, I’ve challenged myself, learned something new every day, developed new skills, and found my groove. I didn’t lose the things I was afraid of compromising—in fact, I’ve gained even more. Growth is a process, and this year has been a reminder of the importance of believing in yourself and pushing forward. I never want to stop challenging myself or settle into complacency. Here’s to continued growth, new challenges, and what’s ahead!
A few days ago, I celebrated my first work anniversary with Toll. Honestly, I never imagined I’d come this far. I still remember my first day at the company—I was instantly filled with regret and plagued by doubt, wondering if I had made the wrong decision. After spending 10 years of my life building what I had—nurturing meaningful relationships and creating a solid foundation—it was natural to feel hesitant when I decided to start over and rebuild my career with people I didn’t know or trust yet. What I feared the most was loneliness. I knew the role I was stepping into came with its own set of sacrifices. I had to navigate being on my own—without the daily conversations, coffee breaks, lunches, and camaraderie I once enjoyed. But I knew I had to do what needed to be done. You can’t have it all. Moving forward often means letting go of something you hold most dear. Over the past year, I’ve realized that many of us aren’t necessarily afraid of change itself; we’re afraid of leaving behind the familiar and stepping away from what we already know. Venturing into the unknown isn’t something that comes naturally to us. As humans, we’re wired with a fight-or-flight instinct designed to protect us, making it even harder to embrace uncertainty. Here’s the thing: if you don’t take chances, you’ll never discover what’s waiting for you out there. Your calling might just be out there, waiting for you to take that leap. Here’s to more adventures and life’s rollercoaster moments! ?? Captured in this picture are the people I spent so much of my time with in my previous organization—the familiarity I left behind a year ago.
Today is my two year work anniversary at Tempo Software! ?? Here are some lessons I've learnt: - Company culture is an individual effort. - There's no need to rush a decision or reply. - Find low hanging fruits, and fulfil them quickly. - Stakeholder relationships matter. Befriend everyone. - Showing what was done is as important as doing the work. - Boundaries are important to not be pulled in every direction. - Try not to stress too much. The bad times blow over quickly. - Working with smart, conscientious people makes work easy. - To not get seen as purely tactical communicate strategy too. Tempo does $100m+ ARR, and last year I was promoted to own the product marketing for our SaaS division and products! It's great to work on award-winning products, and an overall winning company. I've learnt a lot working here, and appreciate the amazing culture we have. Here's to many more years! For now, I celebrate. ??
This month marks my 1-year anniversary at Globe Teleservices Pte. Ltd.! Reflecting on the past year, I'm grateful for the incredible people I've met and the valuable lessons I've learned. Thought I will pen down some of them. - Focus on the present: I've learned to prioritize the immediate next step instead of worrying about deadlines and & the final outcome. - Power of teamwork: Collaboration with experts makes even the most daunting tasks manageable. - Categorize worry: I've learned to ask myself, "Is this within my control?" and focus on what I can control. - Be empathetic: You can't really tell if a co-worker is having a stressful day, so be kind & don't shy away from checking up on them. Sometimes "small talk" can create "big" positive changes in someone's day. - You can't please everyone: I've come to accept that not everyone will like me, and that's okay. Pure intentions matter most. - Utilize breaks: Reading for 15 minutes after lunch has helped me achieve personal goals and look at work hurdles with fresher perspectives. - Track your growth: Celebrate small wins and milestones to reflect on your progress. - Do it well or don't do it at all: Strive for excellence in every task, no matter how small. Grateful for this journey and looking forward to many more lessons to come! Cheers & thanks for the lovely wishes here.
Today is my 5 year work anniversary! As I pause and reflect over the last 5 years, I wanted to share a few things I’ve learned at work: 1.) Never stop learning and improving yourself. Personal development is just as important as professional development. 2.) Be trustworthy. Afterall, your character is everything. 3.) Always maintain integrity and do the right thing. God will bless you for it (Luke 16:10) 4.) Honor and value your customers. Treat them with the highest respect and they will remain loyal to you. 5.) Leadership matters. It is a critical component of success. 6.) Hard work isn’t always recognized. Keep striving for greatness, one day it will pay off. 7.) Embrace challenges and speak up. Take risks and make it happen. 8.) You are replaceable at work but your kids only have one Mom or Dad. Put your family first. (I’m grateful for a company that understands my kids come first. I’ve only missed one basketball game in 5 years due to working out of town. That’s invaluable!)?? 9.) Have fun at work, life is short! When you can, help others and give back. 10.) Most importantly, always remember “Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men.” Colossians 3:23 Be blessed my friends ??
Today is my 13 year anniversary at my company. It’s a bit of a tradition for people in my org to get an email of congrats for them sent out to everyone for the team to say “Hey great job”. I haven’t gotten one of these in 5 years. I casually mentioned this to my leadership a few years back and was told “Well we always thought you were above idle praise. “, and don’t get me wrong there’s a bit of a truth to that. However, as someone who has worked on both sides of the coin as a leader and as a direct report, my advice is to let that person decide that. Give them the praise and then let them tell you “Hey you don’t have to do that. “ The reason is because so many times our direct reports can feel unseen, or under appreciated. There’s a ton of times where there’s maybe something personal going on and they as people feel unseen or under appreciated. It’s not up to us as leaders to decide that for them, it’s up to us to let them make that choice and it’s up to us to understand that sometimes situations change. Praise your people when you can and where you can and let them know they’re valued for the investment they put into YOU and your company. They’re the lifeblood of what makes you look good, so if a 3 minute email is what you can do to make them feel valued, that’s a 3 minute investment worth it every single time and anything beyond that time is just better and better. That said, my favorite part of being here for 13 years has been the chance and opportunities to meet incredible people and in my learning and development role show my appreciation for the dedication and talent everyone I meet brings to the table every single day. It pushes me as an employee, a leader, a person to be my best self every single day. If I’ve interacted with you at my company, THANK YOU. Even for the smallest of time, because it reminds me of why I’m here and the fantastic company I keep. I can’t wait to do more and see where this ride takes me. Skal.
Where the heck did 17 years go? I got an automated email ~30 mins ago that I had an additional hour worth of massage points. It’s the norm at Google when you celebrate a work anniversary. I miss reading these emails most years, so the date whizzes past me and I only realize it a few days/weeks later. This year and last in particular, I’ve been advising many, many people on their careers. It’s generally in the context of a particular decision, but the conversation ends up being about the arc they want and how one particular opportunity fits in. So I couldn’t help immediately think about my arc at Google - which is the dominant part of my career so far. It’s been 17 years since my first day here - and while I expected to be at Google for a couple of years, the 17 years went by in a blink. Sometimes, it feels like I’ve experienced 8 or 9 different companies and cultures in my time here, and other times it feels sometimes like they’ve been all blended together. There’s a longer post in there :-) - but the dominant feeling is of incredible gratitude. I can’t imagine too many places this special - where someone could get the chance to build multiple products and businesses from 0→1, work on or be responsible for multiple billion user products; work on things they were genuinely passionate and curious about and do it (most of the time) with really, really great people. It’s offered incredible personal and professional experiences, while letting me build a great life with my family. Thanks Google! Some days were definitely very long, the 17 years do indeed feel very short. :-)??
Friday, Jan 22, 2010– the day when first landed in my professional career and today 15th work anniversary. As I thought about this day, I could not hold myself from reflecting on what these 15 years have been about... It’s fun and helpful to reflect on these 15 years – fun because I have had successes and failures during this time, a lot more than the busyness of these years allowed me to celebrate; and helpful because I can continue building on success basis on learning from the failures I had. A lot happened in these times... changed jobs – mostly by choice while few circumstantial; moved across projects - completed most of them while shelved a few; been part of multiple teams – created most while joined a few; led various businesses – most were built while few were inherited; mentored by few, learned from many; met people – built new relationships, severed a few; learned lessons, unlearnt a few.. the journey had been full of highs and lows. While I continue progressing on this journey – I want to pause to thank the companies who believed in my abilities, my clients who commissioned all these projects, my colleagues and team members as it was because of you I enjoyed the success that came by my way, and very importantly my family and friends who have been staying put with my workaholic habits – without anyone of you this would have been impossible. Over the past few days, few of my colleagues have asked me to share my learning from the various roles I have played. They also asked me how I would be celebrating this achievement… well, taking the latter first, I did not celebrate it as this is a milestone on the journey which is still pending to be completed. On the former, I restrained my responses to these questions – as most of my learning is from my failures and through some of my toughest experiences. I believe its failings and difficult situations that teach the best of the lessons. Birendra Kumar
This month, I’m celebrating my 2nd anniversary at Miviso. How did I feel when starting this new journey? Well, at the beginning, I felt scared and lost. ?? (Of course, they didn't know about this.) ???? I knew how to overcome challenges and difficult situations, but would I be as effective in a new industry, working with different people, and adjusting to a new team and clients? After two years, I'm excited to share what's been helping me along the way: ???????????? ???????????????????? Stay curious, ask questions, and be willing to admit that you don't know everything. No one comes fully prepared, even in senior roles. ???????????????????????? ?????????????????????????? Share your thoughts, plans, and challenges openly. This ensures timely help, not just during adaptation but always. ?????????? ???????? ???? ???????? ???????????? Don't sacrifice what's important to you for a good first impression. Think long-term. ???????????? ?????????????????? I believe in the power of sharing knowledge to create an environment where everyone can learn and excel. ???????? ?????????? ???????? ???????? Prioritize collective success over individual glory. It's "we", not "I" that drives workplace achievements. ???????????? ?????????????????????????? ?????????? ???? ?????????? Be honest, reliable, and respectful to make everyone feel valued. Don't forget to collaborate on an equal footing. ???????????????? ???????????? Provide support and guidance, enable colleagues to reach their full potential, and please, don't cut their wings. ???????????????? ???????????????????????? ???????????????? Offer constructive and actionable feedback. Praise what went well and offer suggestions for improvement. ?????????? ????????????????????????????, ???????????????????? ?????? ???????????????? Be responsible for your actions, especially when things go wrong. Learn from mistakes and demonstrate integrity and accountability. ???????????????????? (????????) ???????????????????????? Acknowledge hard work and dedication, and celebrate achievements, big or small.
?? Celebrating my 7th work anniversary today! And thanks to everyone who wished me a happy anniversary on the DM in the past 2 weeks. Today is the official, formation day. Last year, I was able to check off a few things on my bucket list. There were definitely moments when I felt like throwing in the towel, but I’m grateful I didn’t. Resilience has been one of the most valuable lessons I’ve learned over the past few years, especially during the pandemic when my entire business depended on a market that kept going in and out of lockdown for 3 years. In the past year, I have met many inspiring people, made new friends, learnt more, created more and shared more—all thanks to my work. Running a China-focused marketing agency is still fun and fulfilling, most of the time! I still love my job after 7 years and here is to many more years of growth and success! ( too early for drinks, here is espresso to kick start the day!) A friend once pointed out that I don’t share enough online, which is true—and sometimes it’s intentional. I refrain from posting too much. While I’m more extroverted in professional settings, I usually only share what I feel is relevant to the business. This habit reflects a mix of cultural influences, personality, social media protocol, and the constant pull in different directions. This year, I’m challenging myself to step out of my comfort zone, just a bit more. While my personality and style may stay the same, I will find more creative ways to create and share insightful content. Stay tuned for more updates!
Communications | Customer Experience| Digital Media
2 个月Happy Work-versary Amanda! It was a pleasure working with you and getting to experience how much you valued the team????