Alice L. Walton School of Medicine Associate Professor of Anatomy Alexis Gillett, PT, DPT, EdD, recently represented AWSOM and connected with medical professionals from around the world at two national conferences. At the American Public Health Association 2024 Annual Meeting, Dr. Gillett presented her research “Increasing American Indian Enrollment in Medical Education for Community Health” as part of the American Indian, Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian Caucus session “Uplifting Our People: Current Efforts to Further Indigenous Health.” At the ACOI: American College of Osteopathic Internists and American College of Osteopathic Obstetricians and Gynecologists 2024 Annual Convention and Scientific Sessions, Dr. Gillett supported student doctors Christopher Scroggins, OMS II and Ty Mote, OMS II as a faculty advisor for their poster presentation “Heart of the Matter: Severe Cardiomegaly, Structural Remodeling, and Congestive Heart Failure in a Cadaveric Donor.”?To the team’s knowledge, this is the largest recorded instance of severe cardiomegaly ever reported in a cadaveric donor and they aim to continue research on this unique case. Learn more about Dr. Gillett on our website: #ACOI2024 #MedicalEducation #PublicHealth #CommunityHealth
Alice L. Walton School of Medicine的动态
??“Medical expertise and an equity lens do not sit in opposition — they easily co-exist, and in fact strengthen each other.” ??????Education on neurodivergence is required within this panoramic lens. ????Autism, ADHD, dyslexia, Tourette’s, dyscalculia, etc are intersectional with other inequities. ??In a healthcare context, there is minimal focus (if any) on the additional distress of patients who are neurodivergent. Recognition, empathy, modified communication skills and environmental modifications are required. ??This will improve healthcare outcomes for neurodivergent patients.
Health Systems Leader | Associate Dean Equity & Inclusion Fac Health Sci, McMaster University | Anesthesiologist | Sustained Dialogue Facilitator | Keynote Speaker | Inaugural Currie Fellow Wilson Centre | Writing Coach
“Physicians will always prioritize applying sound scientific evidence, wisdom and skills to the complex realities of human bodies and lives. We have done that well for centuries. Our challenge now is to do that well for everybody, and to accept that those realities include differences in health caused by discriminatory structures of our society…. The proposal to “de-centre” medical expertise suggests we enhance our knowledge with a new understanding and skill set, one specifically targeted at reducing disparities in health outcomes. Medical expertise alone is great for those with social privilege, but not enough for the rest…. The evidence supports this transformation and the pillars of the profession, like the CanMEDS competencies, are appropriately reorienting. No change is easy. In this case it is necessary, inevitable and will position us to achieve healthier outcomes for everyone we serve.”
This editorial in AJPM Focus discusses the evolving identity of the Public Health Preventive Medicine (PHPM) specialty, highlighting its integration of public health and medicine: - Preventive medicine physicians frequently need to advocate for their specialty’s value, often aligning with contemporary movements like health systems management or lifestyle medicine. - Efforts to rename or rebrand the specialty have been proposed to enhance recognition and clarity. - A formal effort by AJPM Focus, involving a 4-year Delphi study with 90 experts, aimed to define the specialty’s focus areas. The study identified five key foci that form the basis of preventive medicine practice, guiding its teaching, research, practice, and policy. These Five Foci of Preventive Medicine are : 1. Community Medicine: Focuses on community-level interventions, including disease control programs and public education on health. 2. Population Medicine: Involves population-level interventions, integrating clinical care with public health strategies to address social determinants of health. 3. Clinical Preventive Medicine: Centers on prevention-focused interventions for individuals or groups, including lifestyle and integrative medicine. 4. Health Promotion and Protection: Involves true prevention strategies through social, environmental interventions, and policy advocacy. 5. Core Public Health Functions: Incorporates assessment, policy development, and assurance as foundational elements of PM practice. - To simplify and better define the specialty, the name “Public Health Preventive Medicine (PHPM)” is proposed. This aligns with public health foundations and distinguishes it from other specialties. - The preventive medicine specialty must continue efforts to define and communicate its unique identity and value within healthcare.
The Foci of the Public Health Preventive Medicine Specialty
If you will be at the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) Learn Serve Lead conference, you won't want to miss our annual lecture presented by Gold Trustee, Dr. Kimberly Manning. Hope to see you there! See below for more information. #humanism #LSL2024
The Arnold P. Gold Foundation is delighted to announce that Dr. Kimberly Manning, a national leader in humanism and health equity, Emory University School of Medicine Professor, and Gold Trustee, will be presenting the 2024 Jordan J. Cohen Humanism in Medicine Lecture at the AAMC Annual Meeting on November 10 in Atlanta. The annual lecture is jointly hosted by the Gold Foundation and the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) at the Learn Serve Lead conference. Dr. Manning's lecture, "Wisdom at the Bedside," will take the audience on a narrative journey of vivid lessons gained through listening and reflecting, all of which will hopefully spark attendees to become more intentional about their own interactions and seize more moments of human connection. If you’ll be at Learn Serve Lead 2024, this is a can’t-miss session! #humanism #medicine #healthcare #LSL2024
Dr. Kimberly Manning to present the 2024 Jordan J. Cohen Humanism in Medicine Lecture at the AAMC Annual Meeting - The Arnold P. Gold Foundation
What advice did Leon C. Adelman, MD, MBA, FACEP, FAAEM have for current medical students at UNC School of Medicine? “When things are broken, it is our job to figure out how to fix them. It is up to physicians to create systems that work better.” Adelman, MD '08 has done exactly that with the creation of Ivy Clinicians, a platform that simplifies the emergency medicine job search through transparency. Full story ???
UNC School of Medicine alumnus leads the charge from ER to entrepreneur | Medical Doctorate Program
Studies show that top factors contributing to job satisfaction and retention in family medicine include work-life balance, professional autonomy with adequate resources, and meaningful patient relationships. Encouraging policy-makers to prioritize these conditions and create supportive systems can help ensure family physicians feel valued and supported in their vital roles. By focusing on these key areas, we may foster a more sustainable and rewarding environment, encouraging more medical students to pursue family medicine residency. Your thoughts?
Such great work to get med students to see what General Practice does, rather than leaving it to their impressions of the media. History has shown that when Med students spend time in general practice, they are more interested in specializing in general practice and understand the joy that comes from looking after people's whole health. #generalpractice, #preventativecare
This is an excellent article written by Sasenie Jayanetty, a final-year medicine student at the University of Tasmania. The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) SA Faculty is working closely with both SA medical schools and other stakeholders to try to 'raise the prestige of general practice' and encourage more medical students to choose a career as a specialist GP. This year, as a fantastic new initiative, all third-year medical students at the University of Adelaide are spending a day per week in a general practice, seeing firsthand the enormous scope and skill of GPs, and the role they play as the cornerstone of our health system. As Sasenie says, 'Medicine is fundamentally a team sport; cooperation and harmony at a multi-disciplinary level is a must. These inter-speciality relationships must be nurturing and symbiotic, not breeding grounds for resentment and competition.'
newsGP - Consultants of sting: Attitudes towards primary care in dire straits
Colorado faces a critical physician shortage, with many healthcare providers nearing retirement and underserved communities feeling the impact. To address this, the University of Northern Colorado (UNC) is building its new College of Osteopathic Medicine in Greeley, set to open in 2026. The $200 million project, part of a larger $247 million state initiative, aims to graduate 150 new doctors annually, helping alleviate the growing demand for primary care. This medical school will be Colorado's third and is a key step toward addressing the healthcare workforce crisis, particularly in rural and low-income areas. #neurology #medicalprovidershortage With the Specialist combines artificial intelligence with a board certified neurologist to enhance neurological care, bringing the neurology consult to you. This will help fight the shortage, bringing neurological expertise to primary care providers. #withthespecialist #aiinhealthcare #innovation
There's a doctor shortage in Colorado. UNC's new medical school hopes to address that
Curious about Chicago’s role in medicine? Check out these 5 medical-themed books with ties to the city: #chicago #MedEd #chicagohealth
Books exploring the Health-Environment Link
An academic take on the identity crises in general medicine - and I believe strongly obvious in our world of primary eyecare. Part 1. For high-yield cases and more discussion like this, join my sponsor-free and ad-free private FB group "Ophthalmic Physician" here: #stopandthink #pxinyourchair #ophthalmicphysician #privatepractice #optometry #optometrystudent #optometrist #optometrylife #medicalstudent #medicine #familymedicine #primarycare #physician #education
Negotiating the physician identity in an era of complexity and connectivity (Part 1)
The University of Georgia retained Tripp Umbach to assess the feasibility and potential economic impact of establishing an independent medical school at UGA.?The findings presented within the report indicate that Georgia has a critical physician shortage in a large, underserved region.?This healthcare crisis must be addressed. Communities throughout the state will reap the positive economic benefits associated with the development and ongoing operations of the independent UGA School of Medicine. #FeasibilityStudy #EconomicImpact #TurningIdeasIntoAction
UGA to launch new School of Medicine - UGA Today
Thank you for joining us at #ACOI2024, Dr. Gillett, and supporting the invaluable work of osteopathic students!