I'm sorry to see so many recent #layoffs in the #media world. As a casualty back in August, I know what you're going through. As much of a blessing in disguise some of these situations can be, the whirlwind of emotions and stress are no doubt overwhelming. My own job search has been much more positive (and active) than I ever expected so I wanted to share some tips from what I've learned along the way. ?? Don't let the advice to tailor your resume and cover letters specifically to the job you're applying to scare you. Once you have a solid template for both, editing each to add in additional details relevant to the job you're applying for doesn't take much time at all. ? There's mixed advice out there about whether cover letters are necessary. When in doubt, just write one. On about half of the responses I received, the recruiter or hiring manager said something to the effect of "we really liked your cover letter." Cover letters are especially helpful in translating your skills to a position outside of your industry. Once you write a cover letter for one position, they're easy to edit/adapt to the specifics of the next job you're applying for. ?? Look at LinkedIn every. single. day. Set up job alerts, and search through the jobs LinkedIn recommended to you. If those recommendations don't feel like they're matching what you're looking for, go back into your LinkedIn profile and make sure it's accurately reflecting the work you've done and focused on the skills you need for the kind of position you're looking for. There's a great little feature that lets you save the jobs you're interested in applying to. This was super helpful when I needed a break. While drinking my morning coffee, I'd passively scroll through the listings, save the positions that looked interesting, and then when I was ready later that day or a few days later, would go back through my saved list and decide which to put effort toward. ?? Give yourself REAL breaks. I tried to take a small vacation or getaway once a month (either a long weekend or a week). I wasn't perfect. But recharging and putting yourself in a new environment was super helpful. I would also close down my computer around 5 or 6 p.m. every day to disconnect. Job searches can get overwhelming. One day you might hear absolutely nothing and feel down in dumps, and then two days later, four contacts can reach out with potential opportunities and send your confidence soaring. It's a roller coaster and whatever stress-coping mechanisms you can adapt will most definitely save your soul. Sending my best that this time period leads to much happier opportunities for all! Please DM if I can be of help!!!
These tips resonated with me. I went through the same process last spring and ended up leaving daily newspapers. While it was a bittersweet moment, in the end, it opened doors I never thought it would. I'm a better manager and happier person as a result.
Excellent advice, thank you
This is great advice, Alicia. I wonder if it would be good to find a place to publish it more on the open web - maybe you could pitch to Poynter or some place like that - so more journalists could see it?