Alianza Socioambiental Fondos del Sur的动态

??? Alianza Fondos del Sur Stands with #TooSouthernToBeFunded Campaign ??? Alianza Socioambiental Fondos del Sur stands in solidarity with the #TooSouthernToBeFunded campaign, led by the #ShiftThePower movement. This global initiative highlights the systemic funding disparities faced by Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in the Global South. Historically, bureaucratic barriers and biased practices have hindered direct funding from international donors to Southern CSOs, perpetuating inequalities and limiting local agency in development efforts. These practices often favor Northern organizations, overlooking the capacities and perspectives of Southern CSOs in addressing local challenges and driving sustainable development. #TooSouthernToBeFunded advocates for: 1. Removing barriers that restrict direct funding to Global South CSOs. 2. Revising tied aid policies to ensure equitable access to core support for Southern CSOs. 3. Enhancing transparency in funding mechanisms to track and report on resource flows. By supporting this campaign, we are committed to promoting a development paradigm rooted in equality, mutual respect, and the empowerment of local communities. We believe that empowering Southern CSOs is essential for achieving sustainable and inclusive development worldwide. Join us in signing the open letter <> and advocating for reforms that empower Global South CSOs. Together, we can #ShiftThePower towards a more just and equitable future. #AlianzaFondosdelSur #GlobalSouthFunds #CommunityPhilanthropy?
