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Statistician | Clinical Research Expert

4 Regression Models You Should Know! 1?? Linear Regression Countinious dependent variable | Code in R:? lm(y~x) 2?? Poisson regression Counting dependent variable | Code in R:? glm(y ~ x, family="poisson") 3?? Logistic regression Binary dependent variable | Code in R:? glm(y ~ x, family="binomial") 4?? Cox regression Time/event as dependent variable | Code in R:? coxph(Surv(time, status) ~ x) Which regression should also be included? 5??... 6??... 7??... #statistics #rstats #rstudio #r

Ammar A. Raja

Data Analytics Manager | BI & Machine Learning Expert | Python, Data Visualization, Predictive Modeling

4 个月

Ridge Regression? Linear model with regularization (L2 penalty) to handle multicollinearity and overfitting.? Code in R:? glmnet(x, y, alpha = 0)? Lasso Regression? Linear model with L1 regularization to shrink coefficients, driving some to zero, useful for feature selection.? Code in R:? glmnet(x, y, alpha = 1)? Multinomial Logistic Regression? Used for a categorical dependent variable with more than two levels (i.e., multinomial outcomes).? Code in R:? multinom(y ~ x, data = your_data)?? What do you reckon

Rana Dabous

Clinical Diabetes Educator Specialist Clinical Research Specialist MSc in Data Analytics (Major Health Data) Dubai Diabetes Center_ Dubai Health

4 个月

Thank you very much for the valuable information that you always share. Here are three additional regression models that could be included: 5?? Ridge Regression Used to handle multicollinearity by adding a penalty (L2 regularization) to the magnitude of coefficients. Code in R: glmnet(x, y, alpha = 0) 6?? Lasso Regression Like Ridge, but it adds L1 regularization, which can shrink some coefficients to zero, making it useful for feature selection. Code in R: glmnet(x, y, alpha = 1) 7?? Negative Binomial Regression Used when the dependent variable is count data, and there is overdispersion (variance greater than the mean) in the data. Code in R: glm.nb(y ~ x)

Boris Lebedenko

Real-World Data Scientist @ MeMed

4 个月

The mixed/hierarchical versions of these models, especially for linear and logistic regressions. When you deal with non-independent data (say n patients visit m physicians, where m<n) you need to account for that, and a natural way of doing it is by employing a mixed model.

Darko Medin

Data Scientist and a Biostatistician. Developer of ML/AI models. Researcher in the fields of Biology and Clinical Research. Helping companies with Digital products, Artificial intelligence, Machine Learning.

4 个月

So glad you included the Poisson regression and Cox regression. While most will initially encounter Linear and Logistic regression, Poisson and Cox regression are very important for time based studies.


10+ Years | Research & Analytics Management Healthcare & CPG

4 个月

Polynomial Regression, for confusing patterns before jumping to log

ádson dos Santos Oliveira

Consultoria Técnica | Especialista em Cacau | Sistemas Agroflorestais | Cabruca | Engenheiro Agr?nomo | Doutorando Produ??o?Vegetal | Solos e Nutri??o de Plantas | Cacaueiro | Agroecologia | Técnicas Regenerativas

4 个月

Thanks for sharing. Here is nonlinear regression exponential rise to maximum: nlsLM(y ~ y0 + a * (1 - b^x)

Mani Manikandan

B.E (Chem), CEng (UK), MICheme (UK)

4 个月

How about Non linear regression of z = f(x,y), that will result in a fourth order equation to get the RMS error of less than 0.001%

Jesca Birungi

Biostatistician | Freelance statistical consultant | helping students, researchers, and healthcare professionals analyze complex data | Virtual support for data analysis & research

4 个月

ordinal and Multinomial regression for ordered and unordered categorical outcomes respectively.

Shawn Hemelstrand

PhD Candidate at The Chinese University of Hong Kong

3 个月

Survival models are surprisingly nonexistent in my own field. I hope to someday use them to investigate some of the attrition issues related to populations I study, but I unfortunately dont have that data yet.

Mateus Pereira

ciência de dados | analytics | análise dados | economia | estatística | inteligência de mercado

4 个月

Tslm, lasso and Rudge

