?????? ?????????? ???? ????????????-??????: ?????? ???? ?????????? ???????? ???????? ?????????????? ???????? ?????????? Most service businesses chase new leads, but the real money is in follow-ups. Many potential customers don’t book right away, not because they aren’t interested, but because they get distracted or need reassurance. A strong follow-up system can double your conversions. ??. ?????????????? ???? ?????????????????? ???????? ? 50% of buyers choose the vendor that responds first. ? Use instant SMS or email to confirm their request. ? If you wait more than an hour, you’re losing money. ??. ???????????? ???? ???????????????? ?????????? ? Most sales happen after 2–5 follow-ups, but many businesses stop after one. ? Space them out: same day, 24 hours later, then a few days apart. ? Change up your messaging—don’t just “check in.” ??. ???????????????? ?????? ?????????????????????? ? Use tools like GoHighLevel, ActiveCampaign, or Housecall Pro to send follow-ups automatically. ? SMS reminders reduce no-shows and boost conversions. ? Personalize—use their name and reference their service request. ??. ?????? ??????????-?????????????? ????????????-?????? ? Some leads prefer texts, others emails or calls—use all. ? Add social media DMs (Facebook & Instagram) for better response rates. ? Test different messages to see what works best. ??. ???????????????????? ???????? ?????????? ???????? ?? ???? ???????????????????????? ???????????????? ? Old leads are warmer than new ones—don’t ignore them. ? A simple “Still need [service]? We have openings this week” can bring instant bookings. ? Service businesses running DB reactivation see fast revenue boosts without extra ad spend. ?? ?? ???????????? ????????????-???? ?????????????? = ???????? ???????????? ??????????. How’s yours working? #ServiceBusiness #LeadGeneration #FollowUpStrategy #DatabaseReactivation #SalesGrowth #LocalMarketing #SmallBusinessSuccess