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AI/ML is revolutionizing the supply chain space. S&OP is a critical component of effective SCM. AI-driven solutions allow for real-time data analysis and predictive insights. Intelligent systems can forecast demand more accurately, optimize inventory levels, and streamline production schedules. As AI technology continues to evolve, its role in S&OP will likely expand. Here are six quick ways on how to boost your planning and execution decisions. #AI #SCM #smartsupplychains #SnOP #IBP #PPDS #smartfactories #digitaltwins #inventorymanagement #demandplanning #demandforecasting Bluemingo Tech Ruhi Garg AI.INSIGHTS

Reimagine an automated Sales & Operations Plan (S&OP) and digital twin execution with AI-enabled solutions

Reimagine an automated Sales & Operations Plan (S&OP) and digital twin execution with AI-enabled solutions

