Cat Noone is can't-miss content! Check out nugget after nugget of insight in our next episode of the Accessibility Matters Video Interview Series. Cat is CEO of Stark, producers of a suite of tools working to make the world's software more accessible. Dig into the language of #accessibility, team #culture, executive mindsets... just for starters. 'It's really important that we speak the same language with executives, with decision-makers. It's really important. It's okay that we'll always speak a different dialect, but it's really important that it's a dialect of the same language. Otherwise we get nowhere.' What about whether a company should be opinionated on matters of community and advocacy? 'Because we're opinionated, it forms the character of the company, and the character forms the soul.' Check it out! #AccessibilityStartsHere #AccessibilityMatters [Image alt: Cat seated, using an iPad, with a big smile]