???????? ?????? ???????? ???????? ???????????????????? ?????????????? ??????????????: Gloria J. Browne-Marshall Gloria J. Browne-Marshall is the author of "She Took Justice:?The Black Woman, Law, and Power," "Race, Law, and American Society: 1607 to Present," "The Voting Rights War," "The Constitution: Major Cases and Conflicts" and "The Black Woman: 400 Years of Perseverance." Always the writer, Gloria's essays have appeared in the Milwaukee Courier, TIME.com, CNN.com, NBC.com and her poem Mother Mythic is in Penumbra and "white privilege" is in Esthetic Apostle Journal. Her articles appear in several journals and online. Gloria is a playwright with seven produced plays and looks forward to the production of her play that asks "who owns American history?" She is working on a documentary based on travels to Angola, a nonfiction book on uprisings, and her debut novel. Gloria is a playwright?with seven stage-plays, including "SHOT: Caught a Soul"?published by TRW, "My Juilliard," "Killing Me Softly," "Waverly Place," "Crossroad" asks who owns the American Dream, and "Dreams of Emmett Till" takes the murder of Till into the 21st century. She attended the Sarah Lawrence MFA playwrights program. Gloria is a tenured Professor of Constitutional Law at John Jay College (CUNY). She also taught in the Africana Studies Program at Vassar College. Prior to academia, Gloria litigated cases for the Southern Poverty Law Center, Community Legal Services, and the NAACP Legal Defense Fund, Inc. She is the recipient of many awards including an IOP Harvard Kennedy School Fellowship, Pulitzer Center grant, Wiley College Woman of Excellence Award, NAACP Service Award, Emerging Screenwriter Award, (many film festival awards) and Frederick Lewis Allen Fellowship. Gloria J. Browne-Marshall has appeared in several documentary films, including "Let The World See" on Mamie and Emmett Till, "Harriet Tubman: Visions of Freedom" and "Becoming Frederick Douglass." She speaks nationally and internationally about her books and issues of social justice. ? Register for this year’s conference: https://lnkd.in/eJF9buCm Learn about this year’s Student Problem-Solving Competition: https://lnkd.in/eShwYJRR
Association for Applied and Clinical Sociology的动态
On July 26, 1935, Congress passed the Federal Register Act creating a partnership between the National Archives and the Government Printing Office (now the U.S. Government Publishing Office). The Archivist of the United States was charged with custody of and, with the Public Printer, prompt and uniform printing and distribution of public documents in a publication designated the Federal Register. The Federal Register is your go-to source for all federal regulations, proposed rules, and public notices. Managed by the National Archives, it's the official daily publication for actions and decisions of the U.S. government. The first issue of the Federal Register was published on March 14, 1936. Check out the current issue of the Federal Register here: https://loom.ly/tZv3xc4 ??: Page 1 of 114: Letters sent - Approval of the Federal Register Act, 1935. https://loom.ly/y8XjaM0 #Archives #OpenGov
In #ArchivalOutlook, Michele Jennings offers five tips for archivists looking to create approachable audio guides for exhibits or collections. https://ow.ly/858P50RbEMB
My new book, The Containment: Detroit, the Supreme Court and the Battle for Racial Justice in the North, is out today!
Hello! Esteemed Connections So, I'm here with the first post of the series as announced by me in the yesterday's post. The First aspect that I'm going to deal in the today's post is the 'Cover Page of the Memorial'. So, the Cover Page of the Memorial comprises the following parts to be incorporated:- (1) Team Code: The Team should place their team code at the 'Upper Right Hand Corner' of the Memorial. The Team Code should be placed in such a way that it becomes clearly visible for the one who is referring to your memorial. (2) Name of the Competition: The next thing which a team should place emphasis upon is aligning the 'Name of the Competition' at the bottom of your memorial. (3) Name of the Forum: After placing the name of the competition, a team should mention the name of Forum before which the case is placed for disposition. It should be in the 'capital letters' and in turn, became a centre of attraction for the one who is referring to your memorial. (4) Jurisdiction Involved in the case: In case you're preparing a memorial on behalf of the party approaching the Court for some relief, please do mention the 'Appropriate Jurisdiction' along with the name of the statute, bearing 'Case Number' of the year in which the case is placed before the Court. Note: This Step is not required, in case you're preparing the memorial from the side of 'Respondent' or 'Defendant', as the Jurisdiction of the Higher Court is invoked by the one who is aggrieved from the order of lower forum. (5) Name of the Case: After mentioning the jurisdiction involved in the case, mention the name of the case in the way demonstrated in the image attached along with this post. (Bottom Alignment) (6) Mention the Position of Judges: So, you're required to mention the position of judges before whom you're for the pleadings in your written submissions. (7) Footnoting: Use the 'Footer Option' for mentioning the name of the party from whose side you're preparing the memorial. The Footnoting of the same is very essential for a good Memorial. Important Tips for the Speakers: - (1) The Speakers appearing before the judges should be well-dressed; (2) The Demeanor and Court Etiquettes should be properly followed by the Speakers; (3) The Orators can start with the following introductory lines: - "May it please, my name is (Team Code) and I'm the Counsel for (Side which you're representing) in the instant matter." (4) Furthermore, the Speakers can make the Court familiar with the number of issues that they are dealing along with the time that you are taking. So, by following the aforementioned steps one can be successful in establishing his or her impression before the Judges at the very first instance. Note: In case anyone has doubt or query related to the aforementioned steps, you can DM me for the same. I'll try to resolve your doubts to the best of my ability. #Mooting #Speakers #Memorial
??? New "Free Speech Arguments" Episode from the Institute for Free Speech! Can public libraries remove books based on content? The latest episode of "Free Speech Arguments" features en banc oral argument in Little v. Llano County, before the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit . The case seeks to answer that important First Amendment question. Key Issues: ? The court examines the removal of 17 books from a public library, allegedly due to their viewpoint and content. ? A preliminary injunction is in place that prevents the books' removal until the case is decided. ? The case explores the conflict between a library's curation choices and First Amendment protections. ?? Listen to the full episode, read the transcript, and access additional resources here: https://lnkd.in/ecR4kSiS
Corporate Archives are a vital part of any business. A corporate archive is a living, breathing collection of documents and other materials that chronicle the history of a company which can be used for marketing and research purposes. While some businesses may simply create a single archive and call it a day, there are a variety of reasons why your business needs to go above and beyond this. This article will help you decide whether a corporate archive is necessary for your business, and if so, how to go about creating one. #Archives #CorporateArchives #AjayPrabhakar https://lnkd.in/gkWYZhwV
Corporate Archives are a vital part of any business. A corporate archive is a living, breathing collection of documents and other materials that chronicle the history of a company which can be used for marketing and research purposes. While some businesses may simply create a single archive and call it a day, there are a variety of reasons why your business needs to go above and beyond this. This article will help you decide whether a corporate archive is necessary for your business, and if so, how to go about creating one. #Archives #CorporateArchives #AjayPrabhakar https://lnkd.in/gkWYZhwV
Have you heard the expression “Facts tell, but stories sell”? As lawyers, we’re good at ‘telling’ prospective clients facts and information, but we’re usually less good at using stories to convey that information. Read more here: https://bit.ly/46iIKv0