Open RAN, distributed and central units, and moves in the market: Paul Sutton, CEO at Software Radio Systems, spoke with 6GWorld about these topics and more during the 6GSymposium Fall 2024. Check it out here
The unique mix of significant infrastructure challenges financial institutions face calls for an innovative combination of strategies and technological solutions. In his new blog, Infinidat's Anthony DeLisio explores approaches to enterprise storage for financial institutions. Check it out!
The unique mix of significant infrastructure challenges financial institutions face calls for an innovative combination of strategies and technological solutions. In his new blog, Infinidat's Anthony DeLisio explores approaches to enterprise storage for financial institutions. Check it out!
In this weeks edition of Tech Talk, Jonathan Spencer Jones discusses how European TSOs and DSOs through their associations ENTSO-E and DSO Entity have prepared a joint network code on demand response. Read more here:
The Evolution of Information Technology Its amazing to see how far we have come, here is a blog to take you through the timeline of IT. From where it all began up until presents, highlighting some key milestones along the way.
Thanking Kirk Offel and team for the insightful chat about my background and industry trends. Looking forward to future discussions as the market evolves rapidly. Watch the conversation here:
Ep 106: Power Solutions for Tech Giants With Scott Jarnagin
Excited to see that my home state's Division of Broadband and Digital Equity has launched the Tech Resource Finder. This new tool offers over 1,100 resources to help North Carolinians access and utilize the internet as a part of Governor Roy Cooper's plan to close the state's digital divide. #DigitalEquity #BroadbandAccess #NorthCarolina #DigitalDivide
Governor Roy Cooper today announced the launch of the Tech Resource Finder, a new NCDIT website that links to more than 1,100 resources to help North Carolinians use the internet, find public computers and Wi-Fi and access technical support and digital skills classes across the state. Read more:
One more for 2024 - yesterday, Governor Cooper announced the launch of the Tech Resource Finder, a new website that provides more than 1,100 resources that help North Carolinians use the internet, find public computers and Wi-Fi and access technical support and digital skills classes across the state. There are so many partners involved in this project including all of the organizations on the site who are supporting people's digital needs everyday. They are the backbone of the digital inclusion community in North Carolina, and I hope the Tech Resource Finder helps strengthen and connect people to their work. On a personal note, this project has been a labor of love, and I am immensely grateful to see it launch.
Governor Roy Cooper today announced the launch of the Tech Resource Finder, a new NCDIT website that links to more than 1,100 resources to help North Carolinians use the internet, find public computers and Wi-Fi and access technical support and digital skills classes across the state. Read more:
Governor Roy Cooper today announced the launch of the Tech Resource Finder, a new NCDIT website that links to more than 1,100 resources to help North Carolinians use the internet, find public computers and Wi-Fi and access technical support and digital skills classes across the state. Read more:
Great to see Paul Sutton again at #6GSymposium