Experience Sharing
Today, let's talk about turbines and ejectors. They don't normally come together, but that's because there are 2 kinds of system that either require an ejector, or it does not require one.
The 2 kinds of system are called backpressure turbine and condensing turbine. A backpressure turbine implies that there is no condensing of the steam exiting the turbine, but a condensing turbine does. But why condense the steam? Here, we need to refer to the steam tables, and remember that the latent heat of condensation is a lot, lot higher per mol of steam. Which means, there is a lot of energy you can extract from here.
Here is where an ejector comes into picture. Ejectors are meant to create a vacuum condition within the condensers (sometimes called surface condensers) so that it will be easier for steam to condense due to pressure and temperature difference, rather than relying on temperature difference only. Vacuum is created from ejection of non-condensable gases in the exiting steam. This creates a Joule-Thomson effect, and combined with cooling water flows within the tubes, brings the steam down to its dewpoint to effectively condense the steam.
Here's the best part. This cannot be achieved if the vacuum condition is altered. Hence, ejectors plays a crucial part in ensuring the vacuum condition is always sustained. For that, a condensing turbine usually will have a main ejector and a hogging ejector. The main ejector is always running, but the hogging ejector doesn't (supposedly). In my RCA sharing previously, I mentioned about the leak in one of these ejectors, but how I was not able to gain insight from PI data readings during the trip. Let me know what do you think which ejector was I referring to, and why wasn't I able to gain insights from PI reading. I'd love to hear from you!
In my next sharing, I'll share some data, and my personal thoughts as to why. Until then, happy Thursday!
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