I recognize that managers are burned out, as much as their employees. However, one of the key roles that managers play is to be able to develop their employees. One of the ways to do so is to provide feedback to them, both positive and critical. Unfortunately, many managers do not feel comfortable providing feedback of any sort to their employees, and therefore, fail to do simple things like offering praise on a job well done, which can play a large role in retaining and motivating employees. Companies who have retrenched and taken away benefits, if they care, are still struggling to figure out how to now motivate and retain employees. Here are some simple tips:
? Coach managers on how to communicate with employees to provide feedback, not only during performance review time, but during the course of the work week.
? Encourage managers to take time to meet with their direct reports regularly (e.g. once a week, every two weeks) and to say "thank you" or "good job." It may not matter to every employee, but it can help for those who need it. And it is also basic human relations 101 to show interest in the work of your employees, and to not just treat them like numbers.
? Learn what motivates your employees, since it may be different for each person. Some want appreciation. Some want an opportunity to achieve. Some may want to feel affiliated to a cause in which they strongly believe. By understanding what motivates employees, you can spend time providing opportunities for them to get their needs met.
It seems that many employers during this period are not keen on figuring out how to help workers thrive. However, for those who are concerned about the morale of your team, I would recommend investing time and effort in genuine coaching & training for managers to support your employees better.
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