E-learning keeps some out of work
Monica Fike
Bridging the divide between AI and news discovery/curation. Probably playing "keepy uppy" or Go Fish! with the kids later.
Parents who are working from home and overseeing their children's schooling are faced with countless challenges. One major economic toll: the pandemic-related restrictions that have led to school closures are keeping many parents out of work. Only 47% of parents with children who are distance-learning and/or partially in school are working full-time, compared to 71% of parents whose children are back at school, according to a new study. It also revealed, regardless of gender, parents are more likely to be unemployed or working part-time if the children are going to school virtually.
- A majority of working parents in the U.S. say it's difficult to balance jobs and parenting, and that number is rising, according to a new Pew analysis. While mothers feel this more than fathers, couples in which both are employed find it more difficult to find a balance.