Doing your job well may get you recognised, rewarded, and even a nice bonus at the end of the year. But will it get you promoted to your dream job? Not likely, unless you do four things:
1. WANT AND WORK. Many go with the flow. If they get promoted great, if they don't, well maybe next year. And then there are ambitious employees (AEs) who know what job they WANT and will WORK to get it. They are able to articulate clearly and concisely why they want the job, the value they will bring to it and how it will impact them. AEs will also work to earn it by acquiring relevant skills and accumulating relevant experience. They know there are no free lunches.
2. ENGAGE. AEs will engage leaders who are in a position to help them get their dream jobs. These would include their managers and also managers from other divisions and senior executives in the company. To have effective engagement, they hone their skill in personal branding and networking. In addition, they are not just takers. They give and help everyone who is in their network.
3. DEMONSTRATE. Many will never purchase a car without doing a test drive. Similarly, many leaders will not promote an employee to an important role if they did not believe the employee could be successful. So how do AEs get a chance to demonstrate what they can do? They volunteer to do an assignment no one else is keen on, lead a complex task, make significant presentations.
4. PRACTICES. The best AEs have a set of practices that help them be successful - They perform, are honest, are knowledgeable and can talk beyond their pay grade, and they work to help their team and others be successful too. Also, they don't brag, and whilst they are savvy, they stay away from office politics.
So if you see employees with these qualities, look them up and give them the opportunity they want and deserve.
Remember if you don't, then they will do #5: find the dream job elsewhere.
?Help 6+ figure earners Fulfill their Ambitions ?Collapse Time on Goals - No More Wasting Time ?? Create Impact & Freedom ?? ?? Growth & Momentum
Having been in the career training/HR industry for a very long time, I couldn't agree more! When managers are taught to be great coaches - everyone wins. If a worker doesn't have confidence and support, it doesn't matter what skills you train them for - they need to feel their boss has their back and is going to let them know when they're doing a great job. They also need to know how to improve when they didn't make the mark. This can all be done with kindness but often isn't. So much opportunity here!