课程: Zoom Essential Training

Start a meeting

- There are a couple of different ways to enter or join a Zoom meeting. One way is to join a meeting that someone else has set up and invited you to. But in this video, let's start by seeing how to create and host a meeting yourself. When you create a meeting, you're considered the host of that meeting. You're essentially the moderator who's in charge of and in control of the meeting settings and the abilities the participants have in that meeting. I'm currently logged into my account through the Zoom desktop app. Now, here I can just click new meeting and a new meeting would start right away, or I can come down here and click the arrow next to new meeting, and I can decide if I want my camera to be on as soon as I enter the meeting, or I can uncheck this to start the meeting with my camera off. I'm going to leave this unchecked for the moment so my video isn't a distraction while I talk about the other parts of the interface here. So notice now there's a slash through the camera icon here indicating my camera will be off when I start my meeting. So I'm going to click that to start my meeting. In this case, a window pops up and I'm prompted to decide where I want my audio to come from. If you have a microphone connected to your computer, you can just click join with computer audio. If not, you can still hear audio from the meeting and attendees will be able to hear you if you switch over to phone call, and here you'll find the number to dial into as well as the meeting ID numbers you'll need to join the call. In this case though, I'm going to switch back to computer audio. You can also come down here and check automatically join audio by computer when joining a meeting if you don't want to get this dialogue box popping up every time you join a meeting. So in this case, I'm going to click join with computer audio. And now I'm in the meeting. It doesn't really look like it because my camera isn't on and there's no one else in here, but I can come down here and click start video and now you can see me full screen. But of course it's not really a meeting if no one else is in here, so I need to invite at least one other attendee. I'm going to come up here and click this Shield icon in the upper left-hand corner, and this shows me my meeting info including the meeting ID number, the passcode to enter if you set one up. And this is the meeting link that I can copy to my computer's clipboard. And once that's copied, I could paste it into an email message or maybe through Teams or Slack if I use one of those services. Just so you can see what this looks like, I'm going to switch over to my text editing program and I'll just paste that in here and you can see what that address looks like. So this is the address of my meeting room, and anyone who wants to join the room would need this address or at least the numbers at the end of the address, or I guess in this portion of the address right here to join the meeting. Now, I do have a colleague standing by to join this meeting but I need to share this URL with her which I'm going to do over text, so that'll take a few moments for her to connect. So we're just going to jump forward in time. I'm actually going to clear off some space on my screen here by closing apps while I'm at it too, and I'm going to text this address to my colleague, Joey. All right, so I can see now that Joey has entered the waiting room because I have the waiting room enabled, so I have to let her in by clicking Admit. And there she is. She's connecting to audio so I have to wait till that goes away so we can talk, and we should be connected now. Hey, Joey. - Hi. - Thanks for helping me out here today. - No problem. - All right, so when you're in a meeting, there are several controls around the window here that you can utilize. Also, because I'm the host, there are controls available to me that aren't available to other participants. For example, I have the ability to record this meeting right away, but Joey, as a participant, would have to ask permission to enable recording on her end. But in any case, that's all I wanted to look at here for now. We'll dive deeper into the other options we have during a meeting a little bit later in this chapter. So thanks for helping me out, Joey. - Oh, no problem. - And that's how we start a meeting in Zoom.
