课程: Windows Server 2022: Implementing Group Policy


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Inheritance exceptions

Inheritance exceptions

- [Instructor] So now that I have really kind of pounded it into you how important it is to understand LSDOU and the default order of application and inheritance and why it's so crucial to applying group policy objects. Well, now I'm going to give you a couple of ways of defying the default rules, all right? So there are a couple of exceptions. Those exceptions are called Block Inheritance and enforced. Those are the names of the two settings that you can set that will alter the default LSDOU application and inheritance within group policy. So let me show you them to you here. First of all, let's talk about Block Inheritance. Now, this is something that you would do down at a lower level of the LSDOU process, right? So down to the bottom would be what? OU right Organization Unit. That's one of the last steps in the inheritance process. So let's take an organization unit like here I have Los Angeles, all right? We're…
