课程: Windows Server 2022: Implementing Group Policy


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Group Policy preferences

Group Policy preferences

- [Instructor] Now, one other area of settings that I want to talk to you about is something called group policy preferences. Now, the group policy preferences includes more than 20 group policy extensions that now expand the range of configurable settings within the GPO. And what this really does is I will tell you, maybe if you've ever used group policy but it hasn't been for a long time, maybe back in Windows 2000 or something like that, there are now our options with settings and things you can configure using a group policy object that you previously could only do through a script, okay? So these are additional extensions they've added on. So let's take a look. First of all, you'll notice that under both computer configuration and user configuration, we have preferences. And in both cases, when you expand it, you get Windows Settings or Control Panel Settings. And if you expand each of those, you'll see…
