课程: Windows Server 2022: Implementing Group Policy


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Group Policy inheritance

Group Policy inheritance

- [Instructor] When it comes to understanding how group policy processing works, the most important thing for you to understand is the order of group policy object, or GPO, application and inheritance. Now, to help you understand what this order is and it how works, there are some letters I want you to remember, okay? And the letters are on the screen here. They are L, S, D, and OU. And not only do you have to remember the letters L, S, D, and OU, but you need to remember them in order. This is the order of application and inheritance of our group policy objects. Now, I don't know if this will help you at all, but for me, the letters LSDOU have been said to me and by me, so many times, to me, it's almost like I've invented a word, right? I just say it like it's a word, LSDOU. I don't know what language that word would be, but just automatically thinking LSDOU, LSDOU, LSDOU. So let's get into what these letters mean. Well…
