课程: Windows Server 2022: Implementing Group Policy


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Administrative Template settings

Administrative Template settings

- So now has finally come the time where I get to show you how to configure the actual settings within a group policy object. Because up to this point in the course I showed you how to create them, I showed you how to link them, even saw how they process, but none of this makes any difference without actually configuring some settings. It's one of the last steps to actually deploying group policy. All right. So, I want to show you that there's a number of different settings that we will find in our group policy objects. So for instance, here, we are looking at the group policy management editors. So I'm looking in the actual settings of one of our group policy objects. We see that it's broken down to computer configuration and user configuration. Under the policies you'll see that we have some software settings, some window settings, and some administrative templates. Same thing under the user side. And when we…
