课程: Windows Server 2019: Storage Services
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Data deduplication intro - Windows Server教程
课程: Windows Server 2019: Storage Services
Data deduplication intro
- Let's talk about an awesome service in Windows server 2019 called data deduplication. Deduplication can be used by administrators to optimize storage to reduce storage requirements Deduplication is enabled on a volume basis and is installed as a role service to file in storage services. So to install this you would go to your server manager and go to the add roles and features wizard. The main thing that deduplication does is it removes multiple files that are exactly the same and then it just keeps a single copy. The other files are now pointers to that copy. Volume shadow service keeps an additional copy if you have that feature turned on as well. There are three main components to deduplication. We've got the optimized files, these are reparse points where files once existed, in other words they're pointers. And we have unoptimized files these are files that are not deduplicated because of being the system or encrypted…
Data deduplication intro1 分钟 36 秒
Practical deduplication4 分钟 6 秒
Storage on Hyper-V4 分钟 41 秒
Formatting options in Server 20195 分钟 41 秒
Extending and shrinking storage drive partitions in Server 20193 分钟 28 秒
Implement backup and restore using deduplication3 分钟 25 秒