Recruiting in a virtual world
- Hiring new talent can be both an exciting and stressful time for an organization. It's an opportunity to bring on newly engaged talent with dynamic skills and fresh perspectives. Hiring in a virtual environment brings additional nuances to the experience for both the candidate and the hiring teams. Hi, I'm Stacey Gordon, and I'm an executive advisor working with senior leaders around the globe on diversity, equity, and inclusion strategies. My work lives at the nexus of DEI, talent acquisition, and career advancement strategies to help leaders grasp the nuances of the changing landscape and attract, hire, and retain the talent of today and tomorrow. In this course, you'll learn how to translate successful in-person recruiting strategies into processes that are effective in the virtual world, and gain the practical strategies to keep your practices relevant in a work environment that is rapidly evolving. I'll walk you through reframing recruitment in a remote environment, turning recruitment roadblocks into results in a virtual world, and retaining candidates when recruiting virtually. Embracing the new realities of both remote and hybrid work will ensure you stay competitive in the search for top talent. Let's jump in and explore together.