课程: UX Foundations: Multidevice Design

Principles for multidevice design

- When starting a multi-device project, 2 it's important to think about these three things. 3 The first is the user journey 4 of someone using your experience through different devices. 5 The second is the context of use. 6 And the third is how each device 7 might be suited for specific tasks. 8 Think of the experience as a single journey, 9 with devices supporting your user's goals along the way. 10 By device, I'm referring to desktop computers, 11 mobile phones, tablets, watches, TV, 12 and voice-activated interfaces. 13 Some key principles to consider 14 before approaching your multi-device project 15 are to design for people first. 16 Users might have an expectation 17 that they can accomplish the same task on each device 18 or they may want unique tasks per device. 19 Understanding how users want to use each device 20 is helpful in developing your approach. 21 For example, I worked at a company 22 that was building a notes app for mobile. 23 The assumption from the team 24 is that users didn't want to type notes on mobile, 25 so that functionality was not built into the first release. 26 While it seemed like a reasonable assumption 27 because mobile screens are small 28 and entering data can be challenging, 29 it turned out that users did want some options to type notes 30 and ask for voice notes also. 31 Sometimes users will surprise you, 32 so it's best to get them involved first. 33 The second principle is to treat each individual device 34 as part of an ecosystem. 35 Users move fluidly throughout various devices 36 as they sit at home, on the train, or at work. 37 For example, if you're designing an e-commerce website, 38 the task of adding something to your cart 39 would be expected on mobile and desktop, 40 but not on watch. 41 The watch might be best to receive notifications 42 for price alerts or for a shipping update. 43 Knowing how each device can support the user's journey 44 is key to a great experience. 45 Ensure a consistent experience. 46 Adhere to common interaction paradigms 47 for each platform you're designing for. 48 The user shouldn't have to guess at how your product works 49 from device to device. 50 Your experience on each device 51 does not have to be exactly the same, 52 but should have a coherent brand 53 and maintain visual consistency. 54 Designing for a multiple device scenario 55 can be a tremendous undertaking, 56 but keeping these principles in mind 57 will help keep your design focused and consistent.
