课程: Understanding Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)


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Eye and face protection

Eye and face protection

- [Instructor] PPE designed to protect our eyes and face, can be used to mitigate hazards that include striking and scraping, penetration, chemical and thermal burns, and biohazards like bloodborne pathogens that could infect us, if blood or bodily fluids from others get into our eyes. In this category of protection, there are three common types of PPE. Safety glasses, and then goggles, which are both specifically designed to protect the eyes, and face shields, which protect the face and areas surrounding the eyes, and can sometimes be used in combination with safety glasses or respirators. Let's take a look at each of these. Safety glasses are commonly used to protect the wearer from strikes, scrapes and penetrations. This could be from blunt force types of strikes by larger objects or from flying objects or debris. Properly rated safety glasses can also be used to protect against some types of penetration from…
