课程: Understanding Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)


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Cleaning and sanitizing

Cleaning and sanitizing

- [Instructor] I want to take a minute now just to summarize these issues, related to cleaning and sanitizing your personal protective equipment. First, understand that if a particular piece of PPE is labeled as disposable, that may be because it's not designed to be cleaned. Some things like disposable foam earplugs, just can't be cleaned effectively. You really can't do anything to get out dirt, once it's embedded in that foam. Other types of PPE may have very specific rules for cleaning. I have fire resistant rated clothing that has very specific instructions not to use bleach or any type of fabric softener. That's because these things will degrade the fire resistance and that would be bad. It's really important to check the manufacturer's documentation, and not to guess, because the wear and tear from improper cleaning, may not be visually apparent. The other point I want to make here is to think about any…
