课程: Understanding Generative AI in Cloud Computing: Services and Use Cases

Introduction to cloud-based generative AI

- [Instructor] Welcome to my course on generative AI in the cloud. In recent years, generative AI has emerged as a powerful tool for producing new and creative content, such as images, music, and text. With the advent of cloud computing, this technology has become even more accessible and scalable, allowing developers and data scientists to build more complex and sophisticated models. In this course, you'll learn about the fundamentals of generative AI. I'll cover deep learning models like generative adversarial networks or GANs and variational auto encoders, or VAEs. You'll also learn how to leverage cloud computing resources to train and deploy these models at scale. We'll discuss using platforms such as Amazon Web Services or AWS and Microsoft Azure. Even though AI has been around for decades, most of what's in this course will be new, so we'll focus on what's fresh and relevant and how it works most efficiently running on public cloud platforms. Remember that this course is meant to be the start of your journey and not the destination. I plan to use a number of case studies in this course where possible. I'll present a topic and show you how that topic is leveraged in real life. We use a building block type approach in this course, working from fundamental to more advanced topics, allowing you to understand how each is related and thus have a better overall understanding. There will also be several places where I'll encourage you to continue progressing to other courses on generative AI technology and cloud technology recommending what lessons you may find as your next steps in your learning journey. Quizzes will be provided through this course, not as an assessment of you, but as a learning aid to ensure that you have found the core understanding. If you're missing something, perhaps return to that topic for better experience. Your ability to self-learn is probably the best skill you have in this profession. For those new to generative AI and cloud computing, will welcome you as a new learning journey.
