课程: Understanding and Supporting Asian Employees


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Why are there gaps in Asian leadership representation?

Why are there gaps in Asian leadership representation?

课程: Understanding and Supporting Asian Employees

Why are there gaps in Asian leadership representation?

- How would you answer this question? Are Asian people fairly represented in leadership positions? A 2021 study of United States residents found that almost half of non-Asian Americans believe that Asian Americans are fairly or even overrepresented in senior positions in companies, politics, and media. But data from the New York Times shows that Asian Americans hold only about 2.6% of leadership positions, which is a severe under-representation for a group that makes up more like 7% of the broader U.S. population. This might seem confusing, and if you feel that way, you're not alone. Why is there such a stark mismatch between what people perceive and what's actually happening? One of the factors that play is the model minority myth. This is a stereotype that characterizes Asians as more hardworking and successful than other minoritized groups. And there are some basis for this stereotype. Immigration policies since the…
