课程: Uncovering Unconscious Bias in Recruiting and Interviewing


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Overconfidence bias

Overconfidence bias

- Can you recall a time when you were convinced you knew how a movie was going to end, and you felt certain you knew what the outcome would be for the main character, but then the story didn't end the way you expected, and you were totally surprised by the ending? Well, what if I told you there was a certain type of bias in control while you were watching that movie? This bias is called overconfidence bias, and it can take control during the recruiting and interview process as well. Sometimes you may feel overconfident in your own ability to select the right candidate. When the overconfidence bias is active, you may feel confident you're hiring or not hiring the best candidate, sometimes without fully assessing all of their qualifications. This may result in hiring someone who has less than stellar performance in their new job. Now, how does this bias show up in the recruiting and interview process? Imagine you're…
