课程: Twilio Essentials Unit 1: Introducing Twilio and Programmable Messaging

Introduction to Twilio

(gentle music) - Ahoy there! I'm Craig and I'm a developer. In this course, we're going to explore some of my favorite Twilio products, programmable messaging, and programmable voice, and along the way, we'll pick up a bunch of other handy tools to aid you in your journey. Now, when you complete this course, you'll be able to add creative and authentic customer engagement experiences to all of your applications. You'll be surprised at how quickly you can innovate and add powerful communication functionality to your developer tool belt, even if you've never explored the telecommunications landscape ever before. Twilio's here to unlock your imagination. It provides simple tools to complex problems, ones that you probably didn't think that you could actually tackle. And here's the thing, you actually can, and it will most likely feel oddly familiar to you, because the tools that Twilio provides have been created with you in mind. I guess what I'm saying is, it should feel like second nature to builders like yourself. As far as prerequisites go, I'd love it. If you had an understanding of web development and how the web works in general. Now I'll be using the JavaScript programming language but don't let that stress you out if that's unfamiliar, I'll walk through the language differences and I'll direct you to where you can learn more in other programming languages. Twilio provides a set of feature rich cloud-based APIs. Now, if using a web-based API is a new experience for you, I've included some information in the notes attached to this video where you could learn more. Oh hey, that reminds me! I'm going to keep a separate repository with all sorts of important information about this course. You should find it attached to this video. I'll do my best to tell you when I've added stuff that you just have to check out but make sure you head over there if you run into any problems. At Twilio, we're constantly improving our developer experience and therefore, our forward facing screens have most likely evolved from my right now to your right now. Now, if future you find yourself in a situation like, "Huh, his screen doesn't look the same as my screen." Well, make sure to head over to the notes for the latest instructions. Future me will update things there. Future hi five! (hands smacking) Well, we're talking about you right now. Remember that you're in a video based course. Please feel free to speed me up if you feel like I'm dragging on or slow me down if you feel like I'm going too fast and by all means, please pause me if you feel like you need a break. I'm a firm believer in taking breaks. There's super important for the learning process. Now I'm going to do my best to remind you to let the information that you're learning sink in and marinate. Let's talk about what you'll be learning here in this series of courses. First, we'll explore the programmable messaging API, which will allow you to send and receive messages to and from anyone with a phone that can receive text messages, hint, that's a lot of people. Now, not only will you be able to reach your audience, this also introduces a new, very powerful input device to your existing application. And after we get our feet wet with messaging, then we'll dive into my personal favorite corner of the Twilioverse, programmable voice. Here, we'll add the ability for anyone on the PSTN or Public Switch Telephone Network, basically anyone who can make a phone call, will be able to interact (phones ringing) with your application. We've seen people create all sorts of amazing telephone-based applications using the building blocks that you'll pick up in this course. And then, armed with your newfound Twilio superpowers, together, we'll build a serverless application from scratch. Our application will be a clone of one of those newfangled real time audio conference apps. You know the ones where people get together and talk about the important stuff in the moment? It's typically on a website. Ours, however, will work completely over the phone. This will let you join the conversation from wherever you may be and will allow you to register via text message to be called, so you don't miss out. I always miss out on these awesome talks and together we are going to fix that problem. It's going to be a lot of fun. Are you ready? Let's get started.
