课程: Treating Go as an Object-Oriented Language

What you need to know

- [Instructor] In order to be successful in this course you will need a couple of things installed on your machine. Let's start with programming knowledge before we get to those installation instructions, however. I do expect you to have a basic understanding of programming and using your computer effectively to write code. This course will assume little to no Go knowledge, but I do expect you to be able to write software in a modern language, something like C++, Python, Java, JavaScript, or C#. That isn't an inclusive list, but it needs to be a modern language and based on the title of this course it should be an object-oriented language or be able to written in an object-oriented style. You will need to install some tools on your machine in order to get this working. You will need Go itself installed. Now I'll be using Go 1.20 which is the latest version at the time of recording. You can follow the instructions at go.dev on how to install it for your operating system. Part of those instructions discuss putting Go on your path. This is critical so you can compile and run your code by simply issuing Go commands at the command line. You should also have an IDE capable of Go programming. Syntax highlighting, debugging, and running your code in an IDE you are familiar with is very important. I'm going to be using JetBrains GoLand, but that isn't a requirement by any means. You can write Go in many free IDEs available today. I am using the one that I am most familiar with and I encourage you to do the same. If your IDE that you use for other languages supports Go, that's a great place to start. We're not going to really be using any of the functionality outside of those things that I mentioned in our IDE. So the most important part here is that you are comfortable with the one you're using. And that's really it for tools that you will need for this course.
