课程: Tips to Coach Yourself to High Performance Daily

Coach yourself with clarity, intentionality, and consistency

课程: Tips to Coach Yourself to High Performance Daily

Coach yourself with clarity, intentionality, and consistency

- So how you start your day can make or break your success. It sets the tone for everything that follows. Now, if you want to stay consistent when life gets tough, you need a simple, effective framework. That's where the CIC framework comes in; clarity, intentionality, and consistency. Now, let me give you an example of how this works in a real life work situation. Now, imagine you have a major presentation today, and you're feeling anxious about it. Let's apply the CIC framework. Now, first is clarity. So just start by asking yourself, "Well, how do I feel? And what are the facts?" Maybe you're worried you'll forget something important or that your audience won't engage. You know, recognizing these feelings helps you gain clarity on what's actually causing the anxiety. And it's not just the presentation itself, it's the fear maybe of not being prepared. The next step is intentionality. Now, ask yourself, "What's one intentional action I can take right now to improve this situation?" Now, instead of letting the anxiety take over, decide to act with purpose. For example, take five minutes to review your key points or run through your slides one more time. You know, acting with intention puts you back in control of this situation. And last is consistency. Finally, just show up regularly and repeat what works. If you consistently prepare every presentation with a quick run through before you start, over time, that preparation will build your confidence and improve your performance. You know, it's not about being perfect, it's about repeating the right habits. The CIC framework is a full cycle. You can't just separate the parts. Don't just memorize the steps, embed them into your process and your routine. So start tomorrow by using the CIC framework in the first five minutes of your day. And when you feel off-track, come back to this video as your reset button. Your first five minutes are yours, so take control and watch everything fall into place.
