课程: Time Management: Working from Home


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Find your peak productivity time

Find your peak productivity time

- When I speak at events and coach my clients, I often tell them that productivity is more about rhythm than perpetual motion. What this means is that it's not realistic for us to expect ourselves to continuously perform at the same level of productivity constantly, relentlessly without break. In fact, we perform better when we have periods of high activity, periods of low activity, and periods of rest. When you're working from home this principle becomes even more powerful and necessary to your success, why? Because your productivity rhythm extends just beyond your personal biology and tendencies. No, you must also account for things like people coming and going at certain times of the day, from when a family member is going to need your attention to when people at your office at the main headquarters want to have meetings with you. Your days and weeks will be constantly peppered with interruptions, it is unavoidable to a…
