课程: Time Management Tips

Using reply to all and carbon copy

课程: Time Management Tips

Using reply to all and carbon copy

- When replying to email, be careful of the Reply versus Reply to all buttons. Often they're too close together, and because of it people click Reply to all when they really should click Reply. Improper use of Reply to all may cause unnecessary interruptions for people. There are only rare cases when large groups of people need to be looped in on a single email message. Be careful when selecting email recipients. This means that if several people have received an email and you reply, take a moment to look at the To section. Remove anyone who isn't necessary. If you include someone in the Cc or carbon copy, explain to them in the body of the email why you're sending this email to them. For instance, if I include my assistant, I'm going to add a little note that explains why she's getting this email and what action I'd like her to take. Sometimes you may want someone to be aware that you replied, yet still remove them from the chain of future Reply to alls. In this case, you may want to add them to the blind carbon copy instead. And in the body of the email, let them know that they've been moved to Bcc. By taking just a moment or two to carefully consider email recipients, you can be respectful of everyone's time.
