课程: Threat Modeling: Spoofing In Depth
Mitigate spoofing threats
- Fakery and manipulation are in the news every day. There's phishing, troll bots, and clever attackers. Your bank doesn't know who's trying to log in from a foreign country, you on vacation or a criminal organization. Issues of spoofing and how to authenticate are problems we encounter all day, every day. We need our systems to be better, safer, and we need to get there without breaking schedules or workflows. In this course, we'll dive deep into questions of authentication and spoofing and how they impact almost any new system being built today. I'm Adam Shostack. Over my 20 years of threat modeling, I've published a book, shipped software, and created a game, all to help people threat model. Join me in my course where I'll explore many of the ways attackers spoof people, files, and even systems, to help you deliver more secure products and services.