课程: The Power of Lists to Get Stuff Done

The list-making audit

- Let's set some list-making ground rules here. I want you to be more productive, not more overwhelmed. So let's start with a bit of honesty. I want you to play journalist for the next day or two. Take a look at how you're operating day-to-day. What are your productivity and list-making habits? If you're not making lists or only making them when you have big projects, how's that working out? If you're already a list lover, how are you setting up your lists, and are they helping or not helping? At the end of the day, recognize what didn't or couldn't get done. And then think why not? Could it be that you put too much on your plate and weren't setting yourself up for success? Maybe someone else needed to handle that task for you, or perhaps the list wasn't clear enough to execute. Here's how I suggest you track it. Start at the beginning of the day. Set timers every three hours to check in with yourself. When that buzzer goes off, take an audit of where you are in your day. Have you gotten a lot done? Is the to-do list growing? Okay, just take notice of it. That's it. Make a note. Don't do anything about it yet. I know this is hard to hear, but a lot of times the biggest obstacle in getting more done is you. Yup, I said it. I hope we can still be friends. Take this time to get to know your habits and how they might be holding you back. How you set up and use your lists is a big deal. I want you to take a look at how you're operating so we can up-level throughout this course.
