课程: Teamwork Essentials: Stand Out as a Valuable Team Member
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Manage expectations and foster trust
课程: Teamwork Essentials: Stand Out as a Valuable Team Member
Manage expectations and foster trust
- In any relationship, at work or otherwise, usually the catalyst to friction is unfulfilled expectations. So no matter how much potential you bring to the table, if expectations within your team aren't managed, you'll likely lose their trust, and trust can take a long time to rebuild once lost. There are two types of trust in teams, integrity-based trust: I trust your motives and competency-based trust, I trust your skills. You need both. For example, if you're given a deadline of five days, and you deliver the work in three, you're a superstar demonstrating both integrity-based and competence-based trust because you delivered within the agreed timeframe. But if you tell your team you can get it done in two days and it takes three, sure, the time it took is still three days, but you violated integrity-based trust. You didn't manage expectations and eroded your trustworthiness. So here are three rules to maintaining…