课程: Talking About Mental Health as a Leader


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Building on your mental health leadership skills

Building on your mental health leadership skills

课程: Talking About Mental Health as a Leader

Building on your mental health leadership skills

- You've made it through the course, huzzah. We've covered a lot of ground and I wish we could have covered even more, from why you as a leader need to look at the purpose of these conversations with your team members differently, to understanding and overcoming discussion obstacles, to the ins and outs of having the conversation, and even how to deal with the moments that don't go very well. Let's finish up here by deciding what you are going to do with what you've learned specifically for you. Here's the thing, you don't need to be an expert overnight and you shouldn't expect yourself to be. That is a great way to put pressure on yourself and either avoid the skill development process entirely or rush through it and miss the nuances that shouldn't be skipped. Any skill that's worth developing is worth developing intentionally, and that takes time, dedication, and patience. And believe me, this is a skill that is…
