课程: Systems Thinking for Product Designers


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Case study: Hybrid process and functional diagramming

Case study: Hybrid process and functional diagramming

课程: Systems Thinking for Product Designers

Case study: Hybrid process and functional diagramming

- Process diagramming represents sequences in time. Function diagramming represents the relationships within a system, at a moment in time. How do we marry these techniques? After watching this video, you'll be able to blend process analysis with function analysis, to model and experiential product. What does a good experiential product look like? Well, we need lots of on-ramps, or entry points, to bring customers in. And we need few exits, to keep customers engaged. Ideally, there are just a few meaningful paths, or customer options, that avoid creating FOMO or fear of missing out. Usually, this means no more than three to five options and few or no repetitive loops. Let's look at our food delivery product, from the last video. We identified a few basic steps in that process. Let's set up a process diagram around these steps. First, a starting point, and then the first step, or reviewing or selecting…
