课程: Supporting Your Mental Health While Working from Home
Introduction to supporting your mental health while working from home
课程: Supporting Your Mental Health While Working from Home
Introduction to supporting your mental health while working from home
- Think about it. You can eat a few extra doughnuts or pizza for awhile, but after some time the pounds start to creep on. The same thing goes for your mental health. You can deal with pressure or stress or loneliness or many of the things that can happen when you're working from home for some time, but eventually those things will affect you and your well-being. You can protect yourself better if you know how your brain works. In this course, we'll go over managing distractions and disruptions, accepting emotions, preserving important relationships, and dealing with the additional demands on your time, all through the lens of supporting your mental health. My name's Amy Brann and I've been studying the brain and mind since I was 15 years old. It just fascinates me. We're always learning new things about them. Since I became a grownup, after a quick stint at medical school, discovering that I really am more interested in the brain and not the pancreas or any of the other squishy organs, I've worked with individuals and organizations around the world to help them learn more about the brain and how we can work with it to both look after it, but also get the most from it. Now this course is all about you and the simple things that you can do to protect your mental health. Once many of these strategies are in place, you can just let them run. They're there, supporting you, and helping you to use your brain for all it's capable of. Let's get started!